How to Get Coordinate Of Screen in Python Turtle ?

Turtle is a special feature in python which contains a graphical library. In this article we will learn how to Get Coordinate Of Screen in Python Turtle. 

Turtle has many built in function to create this program we use following.

import turtle –> This is the python library which allow us to access turtle library.

Turtle()–> This Method is used to make object.

onscreenclick(functionname,1) –> This is turtle function which sends the coordinate  to function; 1 is for left click and 3 is for Right click

speed()–> This is used to increase or decrease the speed of turtle pointer.

listen()–> This allows the server to listen to incoming connections.

done()–> This is used to hold the screen.   



# turtle library
import turtle
#This to make turtle object
# self defined function to print coordinate
def buttonclick(x,y):
    print("You clicked at this coordinate({0},{1})".format(x,y))
 #onscreen function to send coordinate
turtle.listen()  # listen to incoming connections
turtle.speed(10) # set the speed
turtle.done()    # hold the screen


Above Output shows that coordinates are print where pointer clicks on the Screen