How to get N options from the <select> element using JQuery?

The task is to get the random N options from the select element. Below are few of the approaches:
Approach 1:

  • First get the all option element’s text in the array.
  • Generate a random index of the array and get the option of that index.
  • Swap the last element with the current random index and subtract the length of array by 1.
  • Repeat the process until n options are obtained.

Example 1: This example uses the approach discussed above.

        How to get N options from the <select> element.
    <script src=
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color: green">  
    <p id="GFG_UP" 
"font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold;">
    <select id="elmt">
        <option value="v1"> YEW </option>
        <option value="v4"> ZAC </option>
        <option value="v2"> ABC </option>
        <option value="v3"> DFG </option>
        <option value="v5"> MNO </option>
        <option value="v9"> STU </option>
    <button onclick="gfg_Run()">
        Click Here
    <p id="GFG_DOWN" 
              font-size: 30px;
              font-weight: bold;">
        var el_up = document.getElementById("GFG_UP");
        var el_down = document.getElementById("GFG_DOWN");
        el_up.innerHTML = 
"Click on the button to get the random n "+
          "options from the < select > element.";
        var arr = [];
        $("#elmt").find('option').each(function() {
        function getElmts(arr, n) {
            var res = new Array(n),
                len = arr.length,
                t = new Array(len);
            while (n--) {
                var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * len);
                res[n] = arr[x in t ? t[x] : x];
                t[x] = --len in t ? t[len] : len;
            return res;
        function gfg_Run() {
            el_down.innerHTML = getElmts(arr, 5);


  • Before clicking on the button:
  • After clicking on the button:

Approach 2:

  • Sort the options by defining their priorities by generating random numbers.
  • Use .slice() method to get the first N options.

Example 2: This example uses the approach discussed above.

        How to get N options from the <select> element.
    <script src=
<body style="text-align:center;">
    <h1 style="color: green">  
    <p id="GFG_UP" 
       style="font-size: 15px;
              font-weight: bold;">
    <select id="elmt">
        <option value="v1"> YEW </option>
        <option value="v4"> ZAC </option>
        <option value="v2"> ABC </option>
        <option value="v3"> DFG </option>
        <option value="v5"> MNO </option>
        <option value="v9"> STU </option>
    <button onclick="gfg_Run()">
        Click Here
    <p style="color:green;">
        var el_up = document.getElementById("GFG_UP");
        var el_down = document.getElementById("GFG_DOWN");
        el_up.innerHTML = 
"Click on the button to get the random n "+
          "options from the < select > element.";
        var arr = [];
        $("#elmt").find('option').each(function() {
        function gfg_Run() {
            var n = 5;
            const shuffle = arr.sort(() => 0.5 - Math.random());
            let ans = shuffle.slice(0, n);
            el_down.innerHTML = ans;


  • Before clicking on the button:
  • After clicking on the button: