How to Implement a Simple JDBC Logging Mechanism?

JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. Implementing the simple JDBC logging mechanism involved the statements of the logging into the JDBC code. It is used for the flow of execution, errors in the code, and other related information. The logging mechanism allows us to record valuable data during the runtime which aims at debugging, monitoring the performance, and auditing of the database interactions.

Java offers the built-in capabilities of logging with the java.util.logging package. Otherwise, we can also use third-party frameworks for logging like Log4j or Logback which provide advanced features and more options for customization. The strategic points of the integrated logging statements into the JDBC code are the establishment of the connection and closure, SQL query execution, exception handling, management of the transaction, retrieval of the data, and manipulation operations.


The following are the prerequisites that are used to implement of simple JDBC logging mechanism:

The Prerequisites for using the implement a simple JDBC logging mechanism:

  • Java Development Kit ( JDK )
  • Logging Framework ( Example: Log4j, Logback or java.util.logging )
  • JDBC Driver
  • Database Setup
  • Development Environment
  • Logging Configuration
  • Understanding of JDBC
  • Error Handling Knowledge
  • Testing Environment

Note: Make sure you have the above prerequisites in your system, it will be easy to implement the simple JDBC logging mechanism functionally in your java applications.

Java Program to Implement a Simple JDBC Logging Mechanism

Step1: First, we will set up our project in IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ or use the text editor and compile it on command prompt.

Step2: After opening an IDE, first we will create one Java class called as JDBCLogger. It will help us to handle the logging operations of our program.

import java.util.logging.*;

public class JDBCLogger {
    private static final Logger logger
        = Logger.getLogger(JDBCLogger.class.getName());

    // Method to configure logger
    public static void configure()
        // Reset default configuration

        // Set logger level

        // Log to console
        ConsoleHandler handler = new ConsoleHandler();

        // Set handler level

        // Set log format
        handler.setFormatter(new SimpleFormatter());

        // Add handler to logger

    // Method to log messages
    public static void log(String message)

Step 3: To configure the logging into our application, we should call the configure() method of the JDBCLogger to set up the logging.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
          // Configure logging

        JDBCLogger.log("Connecting to database...");
        // Connect to database
        JDBCLogger.log("Connected to database successfully.");

Step 4: If we want the log messages overall our JDBC code, we will use the log () method of the JDBCLogger in main method.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JDBCLogger.configure(); // Configure logging

        JDBCLogger.log("Connecting to database...");
        // Connect to database
        JDBCLogger.log("Connected to database successfully.");

        // Query database
        JDBCLogger.log("Executing SQL query...");
        // Execute SQL query
        JDBCLogger.log("SQL query executed successfully.");

        // Close connection
        JDBCLogger.log("Closing connection...");
        // Close connection to database
        JDBCLogger.log("Connection closed successfully.");

The above setup will be logging messages at the various stages of our JDBC operations. We can customize the levels of the logging, formats of the messages and destinations of the code, according to requirements by the modifying of the JDBCLogger class.


After implementation, run the application. The output will be shown on console as shown below.