How to Improve ElasticSearch Query Performance?

Elasticsearch is a distributed search and a real-time analytical search engine. Elasticsearch is generally used for structured text, analytics, full-text search, and the combination of all three. Every year a significant amount of data are generated from various forms. We require some tools to explore a considerable amount of data. There are many tools in the market to examine the multiple ways of the data out of that most Analytics are preferred Elasticsearch. ElasticSearch is built with an open-source Lucene for high performance. The open-source Apache Lucene is made with Java, ElasticSearch internally uses Apache Lucene for indexing and searching. 

Improve ElasticSearch Query Performance:

Here are some points through which ElasticSearch query performance can be improved, the points are as follows:


Collecting big data is better, but the process of analyzing and assigning the information is not so easy for examining the evidence it requires knowledge of enterprise search engines like social media, enterprise databases, sensor data, etc. Many top companies like Stackoverflow, Microsoft, Facebook, Netflix, Wikipedia, eBay, etc. Uses the ElasticSearch to explore and analyze the data.

Fuzzy Search: 

Fuzzy search is the process of identifying documents or pages that are likely to be relevant to our search queries. Even our questions do not precisely correspond to the desired information. The ElasticSearch can be arranged with Fuzziness by merging it’s built and edit in phonetic analysis and distance matching with a perfect generic filter and analyzer. This process requires a complete query among different fields, and Lucene distance edit and Soundex recall it. If the inquiry document exists precisely, they should appear on top of the results, and weaker reports can display at the downlisting. If no records are matched at a time, it shows the potential user matches.


Multi-Tenancy means the system has multiple tenants. Depending on the project tenants will change as a user, an application, a client, a project, etc. The main reason to use Multi-Tenancy is for more efficiency and better scaling property. It’s overcome the present classic hosting model problem by using the multiple hostings on a single hardware, but in this process, every installation has some fixed cost, and this model has limitations concerning scalability. Generally, a single installation has more cost in multi-tenancy architecture but if the resources are shared the installation cost will decrease. Maintenance of multi-tenancy is more comfortable because we can do it for all tenants parallelly.

Auto-completion and Instant Search: 

Search types came in many forms. It can be a simple of existing tags based on search history or doing an entirely new search for a keystroke. ElasticSearch has different features to serve these features by using the queries of the prefix, match_phrase_prefix, indexing diagrams, etc. Auto-complete search is also called a Type-ahead Search or Search as you type. It navigates the users by giving an alternative text as they are typing it. IT saves the number of characters while in search time, and it increases the search experiences of the users. Let’s take a simple example. Whenever we go to google and start typing, a drop-down list appears with word suggestions these suggestions are helpful to the search query for completing the search query.

User-defined Searches: 

User-defined search searches simply. The user-defined search is nothing new but it searches the required thing. In this, the user-defined their searches with scoring, aggregations, and custom filters. When we are doing so, there are several ways users can damage, while we execute the searches that result in the CPU-intensive, Elasticsearch to crash, Memory hogging, etc. You should be attentive while doing user-defined searches.

Crawling and Document Processing:

In ElasticSearch the data can be pulled from different kinds of sources like a Twitter seam, a message queue, and a database through JDBC, etc. As we all know crawler is a web programming that reads the web pages and other information to create a queries search engine indexing. The crawlers are also known as a “ Spider “or “bots”. The crawlers are programmed to visit the web pages submitted by the owner of the website. Crawlers indexed the specific pages or Entire sites. While in Elasticsearch we use Scrapy and Nutch both together for crawling the web pages or sites. ElasticSearch can index the processing and conversation of documents like word, pdf documents to plain text for this conversation ElasticSearch uses the “Mapper-Attachments” plugin. However, if the attachment plugin is convenient then we can make a discussion of the report before sending it into the ElasticSearch. This gives the most significant control over documents redefined. The sending documents of ElasticSearch should be a refinement. While document conversation CPU-Intensive could be quite high but it can be parallelizable.