How to install and configure Jenkins Server on Godaddy Srever?

GoDaddy Server is a cloud-based hosting platform that consists of virtual and dedicated servers. The premium service includes weekly backups, 99% uptime, 24×7 Customer Support, a free encrypted SSL certificate, unlimited bandwidth, and SSD storage. For regular users, the latest generation is VPS Gen 4, which uses QEMU as the hypervisor to perform hardware virtualization. It offers a cheaper alternative to Amazon Web Service and Google Cloud Platform. Jenkins is an open-source automation server that is used to build, test and deploy software. It was created by Kohsuke Kawaguchi in 2011 and is primarily written in Java. It is mostly used for creating Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. A number of third-party applications can be incorporated into the project, such as GitHub, Puppet, and Docker, among others. In this article, we will discuss how to install the latest version of Jenkins on GoDaddy VPS Gen 4 (Ubuntu).


  • Installing JRE and JDK on Godaddy Server

Installing Jenkins

Step 1: Open your terminal and ssh into the Godaddy server.

$ ssh [username]@[ip]


Step 2: Update and upgrade the server by running.

$ sudo apt update -y

$ sudo apt upgrade -y


Step 3: Download and import Jenkins keyring using the curl tool.

$ curl -fsSL | sudo tee \

>  /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null


Step 4: Add Jenkins repository to the source list.

$ echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \

/etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null


Step 5: Update the package index to register the new repository.

$ sudo apt update -y


Step 6: Install Jenkins by running the following command.

$ sudo apt install jenkins


Step 7: Start the Jenkins server by using systemctl command.

$ sudo systemctl start jenkins
$ sudo systemctl status jenkins


Step 8: Once again, use the systemctl command to enable the Jenkins service on the server. Now, the Jenkins service will restart whenever the server boots up.

$ sudo systemctl enable jenkins


Step 9: Jenkins is now running on our server. Lastly, open the 8080 port to redirect the required incoming requests to the Jenkins server. For this, we will use UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall). So, enable UFW on your server.

$ sudo ufw enable


Step 10: Open port 8080 to access the Jenkins server.

$ sudo ufw allow 8080


Step 11: Remember to open port 22 for ssh connections otherwise you will be locked out of your server.

$ sudo ufw allow 'OpenSSH'


Step 12: Verify the changes by checking the status of ufw.

$ sudo ufw status


Step 13: In your browser, navigate to http://server_ip:8080 to view the Jenkins welcome page. Unlock the admin privileges by entering the default password created during the installation.

$ sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword


Step 14: Select Install suggested plugins and wait till all the plugins are successfully downloaded and installed on your machine



Step 15: Create a new account by entering a username, password, and email address.


Step 16: On the instance configuration page confirm the preferred URL for your Jenkins application.



Step 17: Jenkins has been successfully installed and configured on your Godaddy Server.