How to Install bottle package in python?

The bottle is a lightweight, WSGI-based micro web framework package for the Python language. One of the best features of this package is that it is distributed as a single file and it supports Python 2.7 and Python 3. This package is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Features of Bottle

  1. No dependency other than the standard python library.
  2. Easy to use and faster than other frameworks.
  3. Supports routing and templates (like Django).
  4. It has a built-in HTTP server; and also supports WSGI-based HTTP servers.
  5. Still developing and evolving (at the time of this article’s writing).

Installation of Bottle on Windows OS

Step 1: Check the python installation for version 2.7.x or python 3. Type “python” in a Windows terminal. If it opens an interface as shown below then, continue to the next step else, download the latest version of python from


Step 2: Open Windows Terminal and type the following command,


pip install bottle


Step 3: To check the proper installation of the bottle package, open the python command line and type the following,


from bottle import route

If it runs without error like in the figure below then, the bottle package is installed successfully.