How to Install earthpy in Anaconda?

Earthpy is a Python package that allows plotting and working with geographical raster and vector data with open source tools easier. Geopandas, which focuses on vector data, and raster, which enables the entry and output of raster data files, are both used by Earthpy. Matplotlib is also required for plotting operations. EarthPy also has an IO module that allows users with a URL and a zip file to get data for Earth Lab earth analytics courses. 

Before we proceed any further, make sure that you already have Anaconda installed. You can learn how to install Anaconda by clicking here.

Installing Earthpy in Anaconda

Step 1: Open the Anaconda Prompt. Make sure Anaconda Prompt is running as Administrator.

Step 2: Create and activate a new environment. My environment is called gfg env. 

conda create –-name gfg_env 

activate gfg_env

After you’ve typed the commands above, your prompt should appear like this.

Step 3: It’s finally time to set up EarthPy. Type the following command in the prompt:

conda install -c conda-forge earthpy

This will install earthpy along with all the necessary dependencies.

You can now just import earthpy into your Python projects, to interact with geographical raster and vector data.