How to install Evernote on Ubuntu

Evernote is the most widely used note-taking and personal-organization app on the planet. It’s popular among those who want their notes to be organized and accessible from anywhere, due to the cloud. Evernote’s ability to link with other APPs such as Gmail, Drive, and Outlook is one of its most appealing features. This enables users to exchange information from various apps and boost their productivity. Evernote also has a document scanner, ensuring that you don’t miss any important facts. Of course, all of this is in addition to the standard features of note-taking software like taking, storing, and backing up notes that can incorporate videos, photographs, and other documents.

How to Install Evernote in Ubuntu?

Evernote may be installed in a variety of methods on Ubuntu. Let’s take a look at each one individually.

  • Using the Terminal
  • Installing through Software Center

Let’s go through all the installation methods one by one.

Method 1: Using the Terminal 

Step 1: Update the packages list by pressing ‘CTRL+ALT+T’ or manually searching for it in the activity.

sudo apt update


Step 2: Install Evernote using the provided snap command.

 sudo snap install evernote-web-client


Method 2: Installing through Software Center

Step 1: Evernote is incredibly simple to install using the Ubuntu Software Center. To install Evernote on Ubuntu through the Software Center, follow these simple steps:

Search for the Ubuntu software center in the Activities search bar to open it.


Step 2: When the Ubuntu Software Center appears, put Evernote into the search box in the upper left corner. Select the Evernote program from the list of search results.


Step 3: To begin the installation procedure, click the Install button.


Step 4: The following authentication dialogue box will pop up as a result. Click the Authenticate button after entering your user account password.


Step 5: The installation process will now start. The following window will display, indicating the installation process’ progress in real-time.


Depending on your internet speed, the installation procedure may take some time. When you’re done, you’ll see the following screen, which indicates that Evernote is now installed on your computer.