How to Install FreeFileSync on Windows?

FreeFileSync makes an effort to deliver top-notch software that has no open flaws. Fast release cycles and free, round-the-clock assistance for all users help achieve this. If you find FreeFileSync useful, kindly think about contributing to the project. The gift will support the creation of new features and contribute to ongoing program maintenance. By doing this, FreeFileSync is kept current and consistently offers the best performance on rapidly evolving hardware and software.

System Requirements

  • Processor: Dual-Core (Intel i3 or AMD Equitant)
  • RAM: 2GB or Higher
  • Video: Windows 7/10/11, Windows 8.x compatible video card
  • Sound: Windows 7/10/11, Windows 8.x compatible sound card
  • File Size: 50 MB

Installation of FreeFileSync

Step 1: We will Download the FreeFileSync.exe file in windows using the below link,


Step 2: We will accept the License Agreement click the next button.


Step 3: We will select Destination Location And click the next button.


Step 4: We will select components and click the next button.


Step 5: Click the Next Button for installation.


Step 6: The installation is started now.


Step 7: The installation is completed now click the next button.


The software is ready to use.


The software is successfully completed.