How to install git-crypt on Ubuntu?

git-crypt encrypts and decrypts data in a git repository in a transparent manner. When you commit a file, it is encrypted, and when you check it out, it is decrypted. With git-crypt, you may freely share a repository that contains both public and private information. git-crypt gracefully degrades, allowing developers without the secret key to clone and commit to an encrypted repository. This allows you to keep your confidential information (such as keys or passwords) in the same repository as your code without having to lock down the entire repository. git-crypt was written by Andrew Ayer. 

Installing git-crypt in Ubuntu Operating System

Step 1: Open terminal for executing the installation commands.


Step 2: Update the system by executing the following command.

sudo apt-get update


Step 3: Now, it’s time to set up git-crypt. Execute the following command in the terminal to install git-crypt.

sudo apt-get install git-crypt


We have successfully installed the git-crypt on the Ubuntu system. We can now use git-crypt in our projects.