How to Install Git Large File Storage on Linux?

Git is a distributed version control system. It is needed basically when there is any collaboration work present. Like in any company project development or in any college project. Every member of a team develops their part of the project. Then they upload it to Git’s local repository and in the remote repository. Then all the parts are combined using GitHub. Then the total projects are developed. But while developing such projects time there is a need to upload large files. Which Git can’t handle easily. So, for that, there is an extension present. That is Git LFS. LFS stands for Large FIle Storage. This extension helps to upload & work with large files in Git.


  1. Git is used for improving any existing projects. It provides a Branch concept to do that easily.
  2. Git LFS is used for handling large files in the repository.
  3. Git provides a time machine concept where users can view their past work easily.

Installing git lfs

Follow the following steps to install git lfs in MacOS:

Step 1: At first, Open a terminal and run the following command. This command will install the Git LFS extension. But, before installing the LFS extension, Git should be installed in the machine previously. It will take some time to configure it.

brew install git-lfs


Step 2: Then it will automatically start downloading the extension. Wait till the process is completed.


Step 3: At last, it will complete the installation. There in the summary part, all the details will be shown. There some files will be installed. If the summary is generated then, the process is completed successfully.