How to install Googler on Ubuntu

Googler is the command-line application used to navigate to various URLs, view news, and open various movies. Making Google searches with Googler is a powerful open-source application that also depends on Python, so before installing it, make sure Python is up to date on your operating system. We’ll learn about many ways to install Googler on an Ubuntu machine in this article. We will go through all the possible methods of installation. 

Installation of Googler on Ubuntu

The  Googler application can be installed using 2 different methods:

  • Method 1: Installing Googler using the default repository
  • Method 2: Installing Googler using the Snapcraft store

Let’s go through both the installation methods one by one.

Method 1: Installing Googler using the default repository

Step 1: The package of Googler is included in the default repository of Ubuntu, to confirm this, we will check the package available in the default repository by executing the command

apt show googler


Step 2: As the package is available, we will install it by using apt manager, and execute the below command in the terminal for installation.

sudo apt install google -y


Step 3: To verify the installed version of Googler, execute the below command.

google --version


Step 4:  We will use the Googler utility to search “hello world” by executing the below command.

sudo googler hello world


We have got the results of our search. We can see below in the screenshot, that the search results for hello world is been retrieved.


Step 5: By executing the below command, we can get the man page or manual page of googler.

man googler


Method 2: Installing Googler using the Snapcraft store

Step 1: Here, we will be downloading the snap of Googler from the Snapcraft store. For this installation, we will execute the below command

sudo snap install googler


Step 2: To verify the installed version of Googler, execute the below command.

google --version


Step 3: To remove the googler utility from the system, we can also remove it through the snap store. Execute the below command to remove the utility.

sudo snap remove googler