How to Install Jekyll on Linux?

Jekyll is software used for creating websites. It can create websites more dynamically. Jekyll is useful nowadays. It can convert simply written text files into website documentation. It is simple to use. There is no database required for using Jekyll. It is very easy to use. Jekyll is platform-independent. That means Jekyll can be installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. Installing Jekyll is an easy installation process. But before installing the Jekyll in Linux, one important pre-requisite is Ruby should be installed in the machine previously. As installing the Jekyll RubyGems concept is needed. Using Gem, easily Jekyll can be installed. There is no need to search for the proper version of Jekyll. It will configure Jekyll according to the machine configuration.


  1. Jekyll is simple and easy to install. There does not need for any database connection for building websites.
  2. Jekyll can be used with HTML and CSS language. Using Jekyll usually users build static websites. But Jekyll can be used to build dynamic websites also.
  3. Jekyll not only helps to build websites from text files but also helps to do modifications in the design part also. There are custom layouts are present for making interactive websites.

Installing Jekyll on Linux

Step 1: At first, the Linux terminal should be opened. Then use the following command to update the system.

sudo apt-get update

Step 2: Now install Ruby using the following command in your Linux system. If Ruby is already installed in your system you can skip this step and move to the next step.

sudo apt install ruby-full

Step 3: Now open the Linux terminal. Then the following command should be used. This command will take the help of Ruby Gems which was previously installed on the machine to install Jekyll. It will take some time to install properly in the Linux system. 

gem install jekyll


Step 4: After the above process is completed, this command should be run. This will provide the version installed in the machine. According to the configuration of the machine, the proper version is installed.

jekyll -v