How to Install JUnit Libraries on Linux?

JUnit is basically a unit testing framework for Java. JAVA provides a JUnit framework for unit testing, unit testing is simply a process by which we ensure that the code works the way it was intended to, i.e. we check individual units of source code, such as functions, methods, and class.  And normally we just test everything that could reasonably break. The JUnit helps us to run and write repeatable automated tests. The latest version of JUnit is JUnit 5

Install JUnit libraries in Linux:

Method 1: Using apt install command

Follow the below steps to install JUnit libraries using the apt install command:

 Step 1: Open up the terminal and run the following command to update your current system.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Now we are going to install a package manager called “aptitude”. After that, run the following command to install JUnit.

sudo apt install aptitude

Step 3: After installing aptitude run the following command to install JUnit.

sudo aptitude install junit

To remove JUnit run the following command:

sudo aptitude remove junit

Note: If above method doesn’t work for your system you can try the method  2.

Method 2: By Downloading JUnit zip file

To download the JUnit follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open up the terminal and run the following command to download the



Step 2: Move this junit file to another folder called JUnit and unzipping the file.

  •  Making directory for JUnit using the below command:
mkdir JUnit
  • Move to the new folder, JUnit with the below command:
mv /home/amninder/Downloads/JUnit/
  • Unzip the file using the below command:

Now, make sure you are in Download/JUnit folder.

 Step 3:  Navigate to the junit folder and copy the junit-4.10.jar path to the environment variable by running the following commands:

export JUNIT_HOME=/home/amninder/Downloads/JUnit/junit4.10

Step 4: Set the JUnit class path and export the new JUnit-4.10.jar path to the environment variable by running the following commands:

  • Command 1:
export CLASSPATH=$JUNIT_HOME/junit-4.10.jar

Here, $JUNIT_HOME indicates that we are accessing the value of JUNIT_HOME from the previous step 3.

  • Command 2:
export CLASSPATH=/home/amninder/Downloads/JUnit/junit4.10/junit-4.10.jar

Both the above commands from step 3 are serving the same purpose. We can use any of them, but not both.

At this point, the JUnit is successfully installed.

 To check if the JUnit is correctly installed run the following command:

java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore junit.tests.AllTests

Note: To uninstall JUnit simply delete the folder where you have pasted the JUnit jar file and it will remove the JUnit from the system.