How to install make on Ubuntu

The “make” program in Linux is used to compile and manage a set of source code applications and files. It allows developers to install and gather a range of apps via the terminal. It also controls and cuts down on the amount of time necessary for compilation. The basic objective of the make command is to break down a large program into smaller chunks and determine if it needs to be recompiled. It also has all of the necessary instructions for recompiling them. In this article, we will be installing the make program on the Ubuntu system.

Installing make in Ubuntu Operating System

Step 1: Firstly, we will update our operating system by using the below command. 

sudo apt update


Step 2: Check if make is already installed or not.

make package can be included by default in the Ubuntu operating system, so we need to check if it is already installed before proceeding. We can check it by running the command below on the terminal.

make -version


We can see the error shown below if the make package is not installed in Ubuntu for whatever reason.

Step 3: Enter the below command to install the make package.

sudo apt install make


Step 4: After installing, we will check the make directory on our system in order to use the make package. We may double-check this by executing the below command.

ls /usr/bin/make