How to Install MongoDB Bi Connector on RedHat Linux?

A very flexible and scalable database, MongoDB is totally open-source. Technically speaking, it is a NoSQL-based database that manages data using documents and collections rather than the more conventional approach of using rows and tables like other databases. It first appeared in the middle of the 2000s, and since then, it has been a well-liked option among all data enthusiasts.

Features of MongoDB

  1. The fact that it includes collections and documents makes it an extremely adaptable database system.
  2. Ad hoc queries are supported.
  3. Even if one replica set fails, it has replica sets to assure continuous operation.
  4. It can operate over several servers, distributing the extra burden.
  5. To enhance the efficiency of searches, indexing can be done.
  6. It is extremely scalable and may be scaled up or down depending on the situation.
  7. It is simple to save and retrieve data because it is stored in JSON format.

Traditional business intelligence tools use tabular data, which is unable to understand the sophisticated 3D data of MongoDB; this is where the Bi connector comes in. The MongoDB Bi connector is short for (Business intelligence connector), and it uses SQL to help visualize reports, and graph MongoDB data using business intelligence tools like Tableau and Power BI. The Bi connector serves as a link between locally installed and remotely hosted MongoDB installations. There are many Linux distributions that are RedHat based, such as CentOS, Rocky Linux, Fedora, etc, but we will be using CentOS for this article.

Steps to Install MongoDB Bi Connector on RedHat Linux

Prerequisite: Before installing the Bi connector, we must ensure that system has OpenSSL to ensure safe and secure transmission of data. Check the version of OpenSSL.

openssl version -a


If OpenSSL is not installed, install it using the yum package manager.

sudo yum install openssl


Step 1: Download the Bi connector from the MongoDB website. Download the Bi connector from the official website of MongoDB, and select the version of your system and the format in which you want to download. We will be downloading a tar file. Link to download Bi connector,


Step 2: Extract the tar file. After the tar file is downloaded extract it using the below command:

tar -xvzf mongodb-bi-linux-{arch}-{platform}-{version}.tgz (general command)

tar -xvzf mongodb-bi-linux-x86_64-rhel80-v2.14.5.tgz (In our case)


Step 3: Add the programs in the bin/ directory to the system PATH. After the tar file has been extracted cd to the extracted directory and add the newly installed programs in the bin/ directory to your system’s PATH. Use the below command:

sudo install -m755 bin/mongo* /usr/local/bin/


With this step, the Bi connector is successfully installed on the RedHat Linux (CentOS system).