How to Install MongoDB on Raspberry pi?

MongoDB is an open-source, document-oriented database. It is also a non-SQL database. It is schema-free so it has less data migration. We all can use MongoDB in our machine just by installing it. But, while you are using it in Raspberry Pi we have to install properly Raspberry OS. It is the most important prerequisite. Without it, you can not be able to install & use it further. If you do not install Raspberry Pi OS then you can not open the terminal which was provided along with it. If you can not open the terminal you can not write the proper commands to install MongoDB or any other applications.


  • It has a great feature i.e. flexibility. For flexibility purpose it is widely used everywhere.
  • It is used to bring out data from MongoDB. Also, it is used to transform data from MongoDB.
  • It can be easily downloaded & installed on any operating system.

Steps for Installation

Step 1: Open the terminal of Raspberry Pi Os, then write the following Command

sudo apt install mongodb

The above command will download & install MongoDB on your Raspberry Pi.

Step 2: Wait till the installation is completed.

Step 3: Then write the following Command:

sudo systemctl enable mongodb

It will enable MongoDB in your machine. Wait for some time.

Step 4: Then again write the following Command

sudo systemctl start mongodb

After enabling MongoDB, the above command will start MongoDB for your future use also. It is a necessary command. Otherwise, you will face problems in future.

Step 5: At last, write the following command to complete the installation process.


After writing the above command you will be able to see the version & all other details of MongoDB. Please note, there is no further need to configure your MongoDB. As the above commands did it.