How to Install Nose in Python on Linux?

The nose is a Python package essentially needed for automation framework testing. Basically, Nose generates uni-test modules that will help to execute the testing result much better. Also, Nose provides another advantage in that it will auto-discover the test cases. Based on the test case result it will generate test case documentation also. The nose package is full of different Plugins. These plugins help to sort out problems related to parallel testing, looping problem, etc. Now, installing Nose in machine Python is the most important feature. There are two ways are present to install the Nose in the machine. One is through Pip. And another is using Pycharm. Using Pycharm is the best method that can be used.


  • The nose framework has a variety of sets of Plugins. That helps to solve problems related to test execution, multi-processing, etc.
  • The nose has the ability to run documents, unit tests, etc smoothly.
  • The nose will help to support decorators, parameterized testing, etc.

Installation Using Pip:

Step 1: This is the only single step for installing Nose in the machine. At first, the terminal should be opened. Then the following command should be run in the machine, But before running it into the machine Python should be installed on the machine before. This will take a small time to install in the machine. After successfully installing the “Successfully Installed Nose” message will be displayed. According to machine configuration, the proper version of Nose will be installed in the machine.

pip install nose


Note: It is advisable to go for the installation process using Pycharm. If the method using Pip is going to be followed there might have been some problems for some machines. Depending upon the machine configuration method using Pip may provide an error. Or in some cases, it may get installed in the machine, but can’t be used in the future.

Installation Using Pycharm:

Step 1: At first, Pycharm software should be opened, then the File Tab should be clicked. There will be an option called Settings. It should be clicked.


Step 2: Then after opening the new Tab, we should click on Project Interpreter.


Step 3: After that, a Tab which provides the available packages in Pycharm will be opened.


Step 4: There we have to search for the “nose” keyword & the first one will be desired one. We have to click on it.


Step 5: On the left-hand side, there will be descriptions for the nose package. If it is needed go through it.


Step 6: Then at the lowest part, there will be an option to install package. We need to click on it. Before that we have to mark the checkbox.


Step 7: It will take some time. After that successfully installed message will be visible in front of the user. So installation is completed.


Step 8: Now if after closing that tab, one window for installed package will be visible. There Nose will be visible. Hence the installation is successful.