How to Install PyMedia for Python on MacOS?

PyMedia is basically a python library that can provide functionalities for audio as well as video processing. It supports a huge range of audio and video codecs, file formats, and protocols, which makes it a valuable tool for developers who’s looking to build applications for the multimedia industry. The installation of PyMedia on MacOS is a simple process and can be done using different methods. In this article, we will cover all possible methods of installation and provide a step-by-step guide for users.

Key Terminologies

Before starting the installation process, we can define a few key terms that we will be using in this article:

  • MacOS: It is the operating system that is used on Apple computers.
  • Python: It is a high-level programming language that is widely used for developing applications with different aspects of python.
  • PyMedia: It is basically a Python library for audio and video processing.
  • Terminal: A terminal is a command-line interface(CLI) that provides an access to the underlying operating system.

Method 1: Installing PyMedia using pip

pip is a package manager used in Python that allows you to install and manage Python packages. Here are the steps by which you can install PyMedia using pip:

Step 1: Open the Terminal

Open the Terminal application on your MacOS.


Step 2: Install pip

To install pip, in your system type the following command in the Terminal and press  enter:


install pip

Step 3: Install PyMedia

After the installation of pip, type the following command in the Terminal and then press enter:

pip install python-pymedia

The installation process will start and PyMedia will be installed on your MacOS.

pip command  of pymedia

Method 2: Installing PyMedia from Source

If you like to install PyMedia from the source, then you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the Terminal

Open the Terminal application on your MacOS.


Step 2: Download the Source Code

For downloading the source code, you need to visit the PyMedia GitHub page and click on the “Clone or download” button. Click “Download RAR” to save the file to your device.

Source code github

Step 3: Extract the ZIP File

Now extract the ZIP file and open the folder in Terminal.

Extrat file

Step 4: Install PyMedia

Type the given command in the Terminal and press the enter key :

python3 install

So then the installation process will start and PyMedia will be installed on your MacOS.

Install pymedia 

Verification of Installation

To verify the installation of PyMedia should be done or not, type the following command in the Terminal and hit enter key:



This will open your Python interpreter. Then write and hit the enter key for the following command:

import pymedia

Import statement in verification 

If the PyMedia is installed correctly, you will not see any of the errors. If you receive an error, the installation process was not successful, and to solve that you need to try the installation process again.


In this article, we covered two methods of installing the PyMedia library on MacOS: using pip and from the source. These both methods are to the path and easy to implement. By simply following all the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to install PyMedia on your MacOS and with that, you can start using it in your Python projects too.