How to Install Python py-asn module on Windows?

Py-asn is a Python module that is said to be an extension module. It provides\Enables a fast IP address to Autonomous System Numbers Lookups. It can perform both Current state and Historical state lookups with help from its contained packages. Input can be given as MRT/RIB BGP archive. The module is written in C and Python and cross-compiles on Linux and Windows. Underneath, it uses a radix tree data structure for the storage of IP addresses. So, in this article, we will be installing the Py-asn package in the Python3 environment on Windows Operating System.


Steps to install the Py-asn package in Windows

Step 1: Install Python3 if not installed earlier. (from the link provided in Requirements) and check using the following command.

python –version


The above command will give output like this Python 3.X.X.

Step 2: Install pip if not installed earlier. (from the link provided in Requirements) and check using the following command.

pip –version


Step 3: Now, we will use pip to install the Py-asn package. So for the installation, run the following command in the command prompt.

pip install pyas

It will take a minute to get finished.


Step 4: After installation of the Py-asn package, it is suggested to check the installation of the package is successful or not. So we can get information about the py-asn package by running the following code.

pip show pyasn

A similar kind of image will be there post successful installation of py-asn.