How to Install R on AWS EC2?

R is widely used as a different programming language. There are several programming languages are present for different purposes. The C programming language is used to get basic knowledge in the programming field. Java programming language is used to get some deep knowledge of programming & its different applications. R programming language is similar to that. R is not a simple programming language. Rather than it is considered as the environment also. The R programming language is used for Statistical Mathematics purposes. Also, sometimes it is used for graphical implementation purposes.

AWS EC2 is a cloud computing platform provided by the Amazon Web Service. This is paid software. This means this is not a fully free service for the users. There are some features for that users need to pay some amount. But some basic uses are free to handle. Users can install their applications on this platform. This is like a virtual platform. EC2 provides special support to execute the applications that are installed there. For installing any application on the AWS EC2 server, users need to have an account. Then users need to perform some steps to install the R programming language there.

Installation of R on AWS EC2

The installation of the R programming language is dependent upon the creation of the Instances in the AWS EC2. Now, the creation of the instances might seem easier for the users, but in this case, the process is not easy. The creation of the instances will not be in a simple way. In some cases, users need to do some Advance Settings change to the EC2. Then only the R programming language can be installed. The R programming language installation process is very easy if it is followed step by step.

Step 1: After login into the Amazon Web Service page, users need to click on the Service tab. And inside the service tab, there will be an EC2 option under computer. Users need to click on that.


Step 2: Now, a new page will open. Users need to scroll down the page. Users will find a button to create instances there. Users need to click on that button.


Step 3: Now, on the next page, there might be some options available for the users. But among them, users need to select the Amazon AMI for creating the instances. Users need to click on the Select button.


Step 4: Now, on the next page, there will be a lot of options present in front of the users. It is advised not to make any changes there. Users need to click on the Next button to move ahead.


Step 5: In the next tab, there will be also some more options present. Among them, users need to focus on the Network section. There will be a dropdown menu available. Users need to click on the dropdown menu & select the option that has R mentioned.


Step 6: Now, users need to scroll down the page. Users will find an Adnave Setting Option there. Users need to click on that to further expand the section. Users need to do some changes there.


Step 7: Now, if users scroll down the page more, they will find a blank text field. Users need to paste the following commands there. These are the command that is needed for the installation of the R programming language. So, users need to copy-paste all the commands & paste over that blank text field.


yum install -y R


sudo yum install rstudio-server-rhel-2022.12.0-353-x86_64.rpm


Note: Steps 5 to 7 are very important steps. If users just follow to implement simple instances process, then they will certainly miss these areas. These areas are the important pillar for installing R on AWS EC2. That is the reason, users are advised to follow this process completely. This process might seem similar to creating instances. But there are certain small changes that are engaged. Those are necessary for the installation process.

Step 8: Now, after making all these changes, users need to click on the Next button to proceed.


Step 9: Now, in the next window, there is no need to make any changes. Users are advised to leave the window as it is & move to the next page. For that purpose, users need to click on the Next button.


Step 10: Again on the next page, there is no necessity to make any changes to the page. On that page also, users don’t need to do anything. Users need to click on the Next button & proceed.


Step 11: Now, on the next page, users need to do some changes. Users need to click on the Add Rule button. And users need to make some changes there.


Step 12: Here, users need to make two changes to the new rule. Users need to set the Port Range at 8787. Other than the Port Range, users need to set the Source as Anywhere. These two changes are necessary for the installation process.


Note: Steps 11 & Step 12 are two important processes. These processes are not done while installing a simple instance. So, if users don’t follow these steps, then they might face issues. So, it is advised to the users to pay attention to the steps that are not executed while installing simple instances.

Step 13: Now, as all the changes & configuration processes are done, users need to click on the Review & Launch button for the final touch.


Step 14: Now, a pop-up window will open in front of the users. Users need to select RStudio from the Key Pair section. Also, other than that, users need to click on the checkbox provided there. After that, users can click on the Launch Instances button.

Disclaimer: It is always advisable to read & understand all the policies before providing a concept for it. So, users are advised to read those statements & understood those before providing the content for it. If they think, they might not continue the installation process.


Step 15: It will take some time to complete the process. Users need to have patience for the completion of the process.


Step 16: After completion of the process, if users see the details of the instances, they will find their Public IP address. Users need to use it along with the 8787 value as a link.


Step 17: If users browse to the IP Address link along with the port number, then the R environment will be ready for them to use. Users have completed the process to install R on AWS EC2.


Hence, we have successfully installed R on AWS EC2.


R is an important programming language & environment for calculating statistical mathematics & graphical purposes. As well as the AWS EC2 is a well-known cloud computing platform for users. It is not an open-source platform used by users. But some of the features are free to use. In this article, the installation process of R on AWS EC2 is demonstrated. The overall process of installation & configuration is shown here. The overall process of installation might seems like installing Instances in the AWS EC2. But there are small configurational changes that hold importance for the installation process of R on AWS EC2.