How to Install rust on alpine?

Rust is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose programming language designed for safety and performance, especially safe concurrency. It is notable for enforcing memory safety. It is syntactically similar to C++ and is considered a systems programming language with the mechanisms for low-level memory management, but it also offers high-level features such as functional programming. Alpine Linux is an independent, non-commercial, general-purpose Linux distribution designed for power users who appreciate security, simplicity, and resource efficiency.

Features of Rust

  • Performance: Rust aims to be as efficient and portable as idiomatic C++ without sacrificing safety.
  • Memory Safety: It is designed to be memory safe.
  • Memory Management: It doesn’t use automated garbage collection and provides deterministic management of resources with very low overhead.

Installing rust on alpine

Follow the below steps in order to install rust:

Step 1: Install CURL and GCC.

sudo apk add curl

Installing curl

sudo apk add gcc

Installing GCC

Step 2: Install rust.

curl –proto ‘=https’ –tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


Installing required packages,

Installing Rust

Step 3: Configuring the PATH environment variable,

source $HOME/.cargo/env


Step 4: Verify the installation.


As shown, we’ve successfully installed rust.

Example: Let’s see a simple program using rust language.

  • Create a file


fn main() {
    println!("Welcome to w3wiki!");
    println!("Thanks for visiting GFG!");

  • Compile and execute it,




As you can see, we’ve successfully compiled and executed the program.