How to Install Scala and SBT in Cloudera Quickstart VM?

Scala is a widely used programming language. It is used as one of the strongly typed statically used programming languages. It is unique in function. Mainly programming languages can be differentiated into two categories. Some programming languages might belong to the Object-Oriented Programming Language category. On the other hand, some programming languages might belong to the traditional category. Java belongs to the Object-Oriented Programming Language category. And C Programming Language belongs to the traditional category. But the Scala programming language can be used as both of them. That is the reason, this programming language is used more.

SBT is a supporting tool for Scala. As Scala can able to work as an Object Oriented Programming Langue, so it might need some support from other software. SBT is a similar application. Scala codes can able to execute in the Java Machine. SBT is open-source software present on the internet. This means this software is available free of cost for the users. The working procedure is similar to the Apache Maven & Gradle. It helps to compile the Scala codes with the different Scala frameworks for easy use of the programming language. SBT helps to continuously test the programming that is implemented with the Scala programming language. For all these purposes, the SBT is implemented with Scala.

Installation of Scala and SBT in Cloudera Quickstart VM

There is no need to install Scala & SBT in Cloudera Quickstart VM. In Cloudera Quickstart VM, Scala & SBT instances are already built up. Users need to provide some specific files to the Cloudera Quickstart VM. Also, there is a need to do some configurational changes. Other things will be handled by the Cloudera Quickstart VM. So, users are requested to follow the steps one by one to complete the process of installation. Following are the steps for the Installation of Scala and SBT in Cloudera Quickstart VM

Step 1: At first, users need to install Scala for the Cloudera Quickstart VM. For the installation process, users need to browse this Official Webpage Of Scala. Then on that webpage, users need to scroll down. Then users will find some files present there. Among them, users need to choose the appropriate file. And download that file to the machine.

Disclaimer: In the current scenario, users might find one new version of Scala. But, it is advised not to use Or download that version of scala. As that version is still now not yet upgraded fully. Also, the Scala version might work in the Windows, Mac, or Linx operating systems. But it is witnessed that, a certain version of Scala can’t able to operate in Cloudera-like systems. So, it is advisable to use the previous version of Scala which is the same advance to use. So, users will not face any issues there.


Step 2: Now, after installing the Scala, it is time to install the SBT. For that purpose, users need to browse the Official SBT Download Page. Users need to scroll down the page. Users will find a Previous release section. From that section, users can select any file & click on the TGZ section. This will help to download the zip of the TGZ file.

Disclaimer: It is again advised not to use the current version of the SBT also. As SBT & Scala are used simultaneously, the theory is working on both of them. The current SBT version is also considered as not working on some platforms. So, it is advisable to download the older version of the SBT. It is advisable to choose the older version of SBT. There will be no issue if that version is used. Rather, it helps not to create errors. But some new versions might cause an error. So, users need to install the older version of SBT.


Installation and Configuration Process

Step 1: Now, users need to open the terminal of the Cloudera Quickstart VM. Users need to execute the following command. This command will help to extract the TGZ or zip file of SBT. This will help to move ahead to the next step.

Command: tar xfvz <sbt-file-name>


Step 2: Now, users need to execute two commands simultaneously. These commands will help to move the file to the opt folder. Here, the downloaded Scala file & the extracted SBT file need to be moved. This will help to do the automatic installation process. Users are instructed to execute the following commands.

sudo mv <scala-file-name>/ /opt/
sudo mv sbt/ /opt/


Step 3: Now, users need to execute the below-mentioned command. This command will help to open the Bash Profile. Users need to make some changes to that section.

Command: nano ~/.bash_profile


Step 4: Now, in the Bash Profile, users need to write the following line there. This will complete the configuration process. Now, the installation & configuration process will be completed. After that, users need to press the Enter button.

Line: PATH=$PATH:/opt/<scala-file-name>/bin:/opt/sbt/bin


Step 5: Now, if users execute the following command in the terminal, users will find the proper output there. This command helps to find out that the Scala is running properly in Cloudera Quickstart VM.

Command: scala


Step 6: Now, if again users execute the following command, it will also provide the output to the users. The first time, it will take some time to provide the output. This command helps to find out that the SBT is running properly in Cloudera Quickstart VM.

Command: sbt


Hence, we have successfully installed Scala & SBT in Cloudera Quickstart VM.


Scala is a famous programming language used for developing some big projects. Scala programming language is capable of working with Object-Oriented Programming Language as well as with Traditional Programming Languages. SBT is open-source software provided for the supporting purpose of Scala. This helps to run & execute the frameworks of Scala. Cloudera Quickstart VM is a platform used for the installation of such software or applications. In this article, the way to install Scala & SBT in Cloudera Quickstart VM is demonstrated. Also, the process of configuration is also discussed in the article. Along with that, there are some disclaimers are present for successfully installing the Scala and SBT Cloudera Quickstart VM.