How to Install SQL Loader on Windows?

SQL Loader is a utility tool that is used to load or transfer data from external files(also known as Flat files) to Oracle databases and tables. These external files have extensions of .txt or .csv. It is a program that is used to import data into an Oracle database from external files. It is efficient and can handle large amounts of data and read from various formats such as delimited text and fixed-width files. It also gives the user control through configuration files and provides log files for tracking the loading process. You don’t need to install SQL Loader separately because it comes with Oracle Database as a command-line tool.
However, you need an Oracle Database set up and operating in order to use SQL Loader.

On the machine where SQL Loader will operate, the Oracle Database client software must be installed in order to use SQL Loader. SQL Loader is a tool included with the client program. If you don’t already have it, you can download and install the Oracle Database software from the Oracle website.

Steps to Install SQL Loader on Windows

There are different methods used to install SQL loader on windows. Let’s take a look at them in detail:

Method 1: Though Cmd and Oracle Database software

Step 1: Download Oracle Database.

In this step, we will first download the software and tools from the Oracle website.


Step 2: Run The Setup Wizard and then the Configuration Option.

Once we have downloaded the software we need to unzip it. After that, we will run the setup.exe file. Then we will configure our database. Once we run our setup.exe file, it will open a new installer window where we must choose to Create and configure a single instance database and click on Next.


Step 3: Adding System Class

In this step, we will Select the Desktop class & then next. Then after that, we can create a new window user or use the existing one. Here, we are creating a new window user. For this, we will be using a new username and password.


Step 4: In the next step Fill all the details in the Basic Configuration like Oracle base name, Database fill location, Global database name, and password.


Step 5: Choose the Install option.


Step 6: Wait until the software gets installed completely.


Step 7: Once the software is installed then set the path variable in the windows system variable. Go to the downloaded folder WINDOWS.X64_213000_db_home then in the bin folder copy its path location & pastes it into windows System Variable.


Step 8: Open cmd in Windows.


The file is getting unzipped in the image below:

cd WINDOWS.X64_213000_db_home


go to the bin folder(cmd – cd bin)


Step 9: In the Bin, folder search the sqlldr.exe file through,

cmd (dir)


Step 10: Now Enter the command sqlldr.exe in the terminal.


Method 2: Through Oracle Database ⇢ Command-Line Tool

You can use SQL Loader by launching it from the command line after installing the Oracle Database software. SQLLoader’s fundamental syntax is as follows:

sqlldr [control=control_file] [log=log_file] [bad=bad_file] [data=data_file] [discard=discard_file] [commit=commit_count] [silent=(header|feedback|errors|discards|partitions|all)] [direct=true|false] [parallel=true|false] [readsize=read_buffer_size] [skip=skip_count] [load=load_count] [errors=errors_allowed]

The exact options you choose will depend on your unique requirements, the design of your data and target tables, and other factors.