How to Install SQLmap on MacOS?

Sqlmap is an open-source penetration testing tool. It is used to find and exploit SQL injection problems and take control of database systems. It contains a robust detection engine, and various special features for the ultimate penetration tester, and a wide range of switches that span database fingerprinting, data retrieval from databases, access to the underlying file system, and out-of-band command execution on the operating system. In this article, we will discuss how to install SQLmap in macOS.

Installing SQLmap on MacOS

Method 1: Using pip to install SQLmap Package

Follow the below steps to install the SQLmap package on macOS using pip:

Step 1: Install the latest version of Python3 in macOS.

Step 2: Now check if pip3 and python3 are successfully installed in your system.

python3 –version

pip3 –version

Step 3: Upgrade your pip with the latest version to avoid errors during the installation process.

pip3 install –upgrade pip

Step 4: Now we install SQLmap using pip3. So we follow the following command:  

pip3 install sqlmap

Method 2: Using to install SQLmap

Follow the below steps to install the SQLmap package on macOS using the file:

Step 1: Download the latest source package of SQLmap from here.

curl > sqlmap.tar.gz

Step 2: Now we extract the downloaded package that is sqlmap.tar.gz using the following command.

tar -xzvf sqlmap.tar.gz

Step 3: Now go to the sqlmap-1.6 folder and use the following command to install the package.

cd sqlmap-1.6

python3 install

Note: You must have developer tools for XCode MacOS installed in your system

Verifying SQLmap installation on macOS

To verify that SQLmap is successfully installed in your system use the following command in your terminal:

import sqlmap

If you do not get any error in the output then this means that the SQLmap is successfully installed in your system.