How to Make a Career in Cloud Computing?

In today’s scenario of the IT world, Cloud computing is one of the most demanding and rapidly growing career domains. Statistically, nearly 90% of the companies across the world are already on the cloud and the global public cloud computing market is all set to cross around USD 350 Billion by 2021. Moreover, most of the organizations spend more than one-third part of their IT budget in Cloud Services. Indeed, Cloud Computing is here to rule and will require more and more skilled professionals and that should be enough to prompt you to make a career in the Cloud Computing domain!!

Now the question arises – How to Make a Career in Cloud Computing? Meanwhile, in your quest of knowing a roadmap for making a career in Cloud Computing, you are firstly required to know What is Cloud Computing? Cloud Computing is the management of computing services such as storage, servers, data, networking, etc. over the internet instead of any physical storage for better and effective functioning. There are various job profiles that come under a Cloud Computing domain such as :

  • Cloud Developer
  • Cloud Security Engineer
  • Front-End & Back-End Developer
  • SysOps Administrator
  • Development Operations Engineer
  • Solutions Architect, and various others.

Okay, now let’s back to the approaches that you are required to follow to get your cloud computing career started.

1. Get Aware With Cloud Technology & Platforms

This is the first and foremost task you need to do to build a career as a Cloud Computing Professional. You are required to know the cloud technology and platforms for the further learning process. You need to understand what the technology serves and how it fulfills the requirements of the organizations. Meanwhile, there are a lot of beneficial services of having Cloud services in your organization such as reduced IT costs, flexibility in remote working practices, scalability, and many more. Also, Cloud Technology offers various advanced security features for data handling and management. There are various platforms that offer cloud services such as Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and various others.

2. Understand the Cloud Computing Fundamentals

Once you’ll get to know about Cloud Technology and the respective platforms, now it’s time to take a step ahead and go through the fundamentals of Cloud Computing. It will help you to lay the foundation of the Cloud Computing career pathway to reach your career goals. You are required to understand several topics in-depth such as Cloud Formation & Architecture, Cloud Service Models, Deployment Models, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, etc. Also, you need to go through with categories of cloud computing services such as infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and FaaS (functions as a service).

3. Work On Other Required Skills

Needless to say, Cloud Computing is a broad field, and to master the Cloud Computing domain, you’re also required to work upon several prerequisites skills as well. You can’t excel in the cloud technology without looking after these aspects such as you must have a knowledge of Computer Networks for working on centralized computing resources or you’re required to be proficient with several programming languages such as SQL, XML, R Language, Python, etc. to build and deploy cloud-based applications or knowledge of Web Services & API for working on Cloud Architectures development. Meanwhile, there are several other skills as well such as Database Management, Operating Systems, Machine Learning, etc. that can be taken into consideration.

4. Get Some Advanced Training

Okay, now it’s time to gear up the learning process and go for some advanced learning or training modules. You’re required to dive deeper into the particular field to become more proficient with the technology. There are several advanced Cloud Computing topics that you need to understand such as Load Balancing & Cloud Scalability, Cloud Cryptography, Edge Computing, and various others to enhance your Cloud Computing skills. You can opt for various Training Programs, Online Resources, Books, etc. for effective learning and can make a successful Cloud Career. Also, you are recommended to go through several journals and research papers regarding Cloud Computing and can explore more on these research topics for some better career opportunities.

5. Earn Relevant Certifications

Indeed, the certifications in the Cloud Computing domain play a crucial role as it offers you the credibility in the particular career field that further gives you an edge over others for better career opportunities. There are various major vendors that offer certification programs in the cloud such as AWS Certification, Azure Certification, Google Cloud Certification, etc. Moreover, you can opt for these certifications based on your area and particular domain in cloud technology. Also, having these certifications mentioned in your resume can help you to get noticed by top companies and can land up you a well-to-do job in the cloud industry in the initial stage.

6. Do Practical Implementation

As it is said – The best way to learn anything is to Learn By Doing! And this applies here also. Yes, you’re required to implement all your theoretical knowledge and concepts practically to get more exposure and proficiency. You are recommended to get some hands-on expertise on various cloud practices such as Cloud Monitoring, Server Management, Application Migration, etc. to understand the things in a better way. You can take up some minor projects as well to get on the overall experience in the technology. It will also help you to get more familiar with the cloud environment that will eventually help you advance your career in cloud computing.

7. Look Out for Job Opportunities

Now, what are you waiting for? Yes, after following all the above-mentioned strategies, all you need to do now is dive into the battle. You can start it by shortlisting the companies and then reach out to them through their official websites or career portals. Moreover, before applying for a job or scheduling an interview, you must ensure that you satisfy the required eligibility criteria and have all the skills relevant to the job profile. There are several major companies that hire professionals in the cloud computing domain such as IBM, Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, etc. with a standard salary package and other benefits.

Meanwhile, as the Cloud Industry is high in demand and it is showing no signs of slowing down, you are strongly recommended to take it as your career option and make a successful career in the field. So, after following the above-mentioned roadmap you can easily start your Cloud Computing journey to achieve your career goals!!