How to make border around all unordered list items that are children of a specified class using jQuery ?

In this article, we will see how to set a border around all list items that are children of a specified class of an unordered list using jQuery. This task can be done by using the children selector() method.

children selector(“parent > child”) – As you notice from the name itself that it takes two arguments and then perform the task. It selects all children element specified by a child of elements specified by the “parent”. Here the parent is any selector and the child is a selector to filter the child elements.

Example: Places a border around all list items that are children of <ul class=”GFG”>.


<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <script src=
    <ul class="GFG">
        <h1 style="color: green; 
            text-align: center;">
        <li>Computer Networks
        <li>Operating system
        $("ul.GFG > li")
            .css("border", "2px dashed green");

Output –