How to Make Linux Terminal look Awesome

In this article, we will install and configure some themes and plugins to tweak our Linux terminal for better productivity and a fancier look. These features include autocompletion, autosuggestion, command-line search, syntax highlighting, and better support for git and environment managers.


The Z-shell or Zsh is a UNIX shell with support for various plugins and themes.

sudo apt install zsh      [ Debian/Ubuntu ]
sudo yum install zsh      [ RedHat/CentOS ]
sudo pacman -S zsh        [ Arch/Manjaro ]
sudo dnf install zsh      [ Fedora ]
sudo zypper install zsh   [ OpenSUSE ]


Oh My Zsh

It is an open-source and community-driven framework for managing Zsh configuration. It comes bundled with thousands of helpful functions,  plugins, themes, and much more.

sh -c “$(curl -fsSL” [Using curl]

sh -c “$(wget -O-”   [Using wget]


Nerd Fonts

Nerd Fonts is a project to create patched fonts. Nerd Fonts takes popular programming fonts and patches them with a large number of glyphs (icons).

  • Download hack font and install it by double-clicking on the .tff file. You can also use any other font but make sure it supports all the icons and glyphs required by powerlevel10k.
  • Select Hack Font as the default font.



Powerlevel10k is a theme for Zsh.  It changes normal shell commands to colorful commands and emphasizes speed, flexibility, and out-of-the-box experience.

git clone –depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k


  • An installation prompt will begin by default, but if it doesn’t run.
$ p10k configure
  • Change the default theme to ZSH_THEME=”powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k” inside ~/.zshrc.
  • Commit the changes by running 
$ source ~/.zshr



Real-time type-ahead completion for Zsh. Asynchronous find-as-you-type autocompletion.

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

  • Add zsh-autocomplete to the list of plugins inside ~/.zshrc plugins=( [plugins…])
  • Commit the changes by running source ~/.zshrc



zsh-syntax-highlighting provides syntax highlighting for the shell zsh. It enables highlighting commands whilst they are typed at a zsh prompt into an interactive terminal. This helps review commands before running them, particularly in catching syntax errors.

git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

  • Add zsh-syntax-highlighting to the list of plugins inside ~/.zshrc plugins=( [plugins…])
  • Commit the changes by running source ~/.zshrc



It is a tool that converts the output of diff utility into a more human-readable form. It improves the development speed by providing a simpler way to compare recent changes. With diff-so-fancy, one can focus on the code quality instead of figuring out what all the + and – mean?

$ npm i -g diff-so-fancy


To integrate diff-so-fancy with git.

$ git config –global core.pager “diff-so-fancy | less –tabs=4 -RFX”

$ git config –global interactive.diffFilter “diff-so-fancy –patch”

$ git config –global color.ui true


Now, we can simply use the git diff command to view recent changes.

$ git diff



bat is a supercharged version of the native cat command. It includes features like syntax highlighting, git integration, automatic paging, and much more.

sudo apt install bat      [ Debian/Ubuntu ]
sudo yum install bat      [ RedHat/CentOS ]
sudo pacman -S bat        [ Arch/Manjaro ]
sudo dnf install bat      [ Fedora ]
sudo zypper install bat   [Image Widget OpenSUSE ]

Viewing the content of a file with first cat and then with bat.






It’s an interactive Unix filter for command-line that can be used with any list; files, command history, processes, hostnames, bookmarks, git commits, etc.

$ git clone –depth 1 ~/.fzf

$ ~/.fzf/install


  • ctrl + t to navigate through the file system.


  • ctrl + r to navigate through older commands.