How to Make Someone Mod in Discord

Discord has evolved into one of the most popular platforms for online communities, bringing together people with shared interests from all around the world. As Discord servers grow in size and activity, the need for effective moderation becomes paramount to maintaining a positive and inclusive atmosphere.

Moderators play a crucial role in upholding server rules, resolving disputes, and ensuring a safe space for all members to interact. From creating a custom role to setting up permissions and assigning responsibilities. This article will give you detailed information on how to choose and train responsible people to be effective moderators.

How to Make Someone a Mod on Discord

Step 1: Open the Discord App and Select a Server

Open the Discord application on either a Desktop or Web App and then Select a Server where you wish to make the user a Moderator.

Open Discord app > Select a Server

Step 2: Select Server Settings

To access the Server settings, open the server setting menu and proceed to Server Settings.

Launch Discord > Select Server > Server Settings

Step 3: Click on Roles and Select Create Role

To assign someone the role of a moderator on Discord, you must first create a moderator role. To do this, click on the server drop-down menu, select server settings, go to Roles, and then click on the “Create Role” button. Follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the “Roles” section in the server settings.
  2. Now, let’s proceed to create the Mod role for the selected Discord server.
  3. Click on the “Create Role” button to initiate the role-creation process.

Click on Roles > Click Create Role Button

Step 4: Name a Role and Edit Role

Upon clicking the “Create Role” button, you will be directed to the “Edit Role” option. In the “Display” tab, you can define the role’s name, color, and icon.

For example, you can set the name to “Moderator.” Once the role is created, you’ll have the flexibility to customize it further using three tabs: “Display,” “Permissions,” and “Manage Members.”

Create Role > Edit Role > Edit Name > Edit Role Color

Step 5: Set up Channel Permissions and Save Changes

Proceed to the second option provided under “Edit Role” and configure the desired permissions you wish to grant to your moderators. Setting up permissions for the created roles is vital, as it allows Moderators with appropriate control over their actions.

The available options within the permissions category allow you to specify what Moderators can and cannot do. Once you have adjusted the Mod role for your chosen Discord server, don’t forget to click on the “Save Changes” button to apply the modifications.

Recommended Mod Role Settings

As you create a new moderator role for your server, it is essential to configure the permissions for the moderators. Select the permissions as per your preference. We highly recommend enabling at least the following permissions for your server’s moderators:

  1. Kick Members
  2. Ban Members
  3. Manage Messages
  4. Read Message History

Edit Role Permissions > Enable Selective General Server Permissions > Save Changes

Step 6: Manage Members by Adding a User

After you have finished making changes to the Role Name and Role Permissions, the role is successfully created. Now, it’s time to add a user and assign them the Mod Role. To do this, click on “Manage Members” and then select “Add members to this role.”

Click on Add Members

Step 7: Adding a User for Mod Role

Next, type the user’s Name initials or select the user from the list whom you want to add to the Mod role. Once you have made your selection, remember to click the “Add” button to assign the user to the moderator role.

Add Members > Select User > Click Add

Step 8: Review the Changes

After adding a user to the Mod role, make sure to review all the changes made. You can verify the successful addition by checking the Members count, which should show an increase of one, indicating that you have successfully added a user to the Mod role.

Mod Role created

How to Make Someone a Mod on Discord on Mobile

Step 1: Open Discord Mobile Application

Open the Discord Mobile App on your Android phone or iPhone.

Click the Discord App icon

Step 2: Select the Server and Click on Three Dots (…)

Select a server where you wish to create a Role for a Moderator. To access the server menu, tap on the three dots icon (ellipsis) to explore the options.

Select a Server > Tap on Three Dots to open Server Menu

Step 3: Click on the Settings

Now, from the server menu, choose “Settings.”

Select Settings

Step 4: Select Roles

Scroll down the server settings until you see “Roles”. Now that you have found the “Roles” option in the settings menu, go ahead and select it to create a role for Moderators.

Settings > Select Roles

Step 5: Click on “Create Role”

To begin the process of creating and setting up a role for Moderators in your Discord server, simply tap the “Create Role” button.

Click on Create Roles

Step 6: Type the Role Name and Change the Role Color

Now, in the “Role Name” field, enter “Moderator” as the name for the role. Additionally, modify the on to make it easily recognizable to everyone on your Discord server.

Edit Role Name > Edit Role Color

Step 7: Set up Permissions

In the latest version of Discord Mobile, setting up the permissions for the role you created is simplified with pre-set options. Select “Moderator” from the available options and click on “Select.”

Note: If you wish to add more permissions, you can always modify them later by editing the permissions of the created role.

Set up Permissions > Select Moderator > Select

Step 8: Add Members

After configuring the permissions, proceed to assign the role to a Discord user who is a member of your Discord server. Type the name of the member in the designated field, tick the checkbox next to their name, and finally, tap on “Finish” to complete the assignment.

Add a User > Tick the Checkbox > Tap Finish


In conclusion, appointing someone as a moderator empowers responsible individuals to play a significant role in maintaining a welcoming and enjoyable environment for all server members. Moderators hold a crucial position in ensuring order, resolving conflicts, and cultivating a positive community atmosphere. We have learned how to make someone a moderator in Discord on the desktop app as well as on the mobile in this article. Selecting trustworthy individuals and fostering open communication within the moderation team is vital for the continued success of the server.

How to Make Someone Mod in Discord – FAQs

How to make someone else a mod on Discord?

To make someone a mod on Discord:

  1. Right-click their username.
  2. Go to “Roles.”
  3. Assign them a moderator role. If no such role exists, create one in Server Settings under “Roles” and then assign it.

How to become a moderator on Discord?

To become a moderator on Discord:

  1. Be active and helpful in the community.
  2. Follow the server rules.
  3. Build rapport with existing moderators and server members.
  4. Express interest to the server owner or existing moderators about taking on a moderator role.

Do Discord mods get paid?

No, Discord mods are typically volunteers and do not get paid.

How do you make a moderator role on Discord mobile?

To create a moderator role on Discord using the mobile app:

  1. Open Discord and go to your server.
  2. Tap on the server name at the top to open the server menu.
  3. Select “Settings” (gear icon).
  4. Tap on “Roles” then “Create Role.”
  5. Name the role (e.g., Moderator).
  6. Customize the role’s permissions to fit the moderator duties.
  7. Save the new role.
  8. Assign the role to users by tapping on their names in the server member list and selecting the new moderator role under “Roles.”