How to manage responsive text size and margin in Bootstrap 5?

In this article, we will see how to manage responsive text size and margin using Bootstrap 5. Bootstrap enables to create the responsive websites. It contains a collection of built-in classes for styling the website. Managing the responsive text size can be done with the help of the utility classes like ‘text-sm’, ‘text-md’, etc, which adjust the font size based on the screen size. To manage the margins, the classes, such as ‘ms-sm’, ‘mt-md’, etc, which help to set the responsive margin values. These classes ensure a visually appealing layout across different device sizes without the need for custom CSS.

There are several techniques that help to create and manage the responsive text size and margin, which are listed below.

Table of Content

  • Breakpoint Classes
  • Margin
  • Text Size
  • Approach

We will explore the above topics with the help of examples.

Breakpoint Classes

Bootstrap 5 provides a predefined set of different available breakpoints to build the responsive utilities which help in quickly creating responsive layouts, along with defining the range of screen size or viewport size. 6 default breakpoints are facilitated by Bootstrap, which are known as grid tiers.

Breakpoints Classes

Screen type


xs Extra Small 576px and below
sm Small 576px and above
md Medium 768px and above
lg Large 992px and above
xl Extra large 1200px and above
xxl Extra Extra large 1400px and above


Margin is declared using the ‘m’ class and its values start from 0 (no margin ) to 5 ( large margin ), and it contains another value auto which automatically calculates and sets the margin based on the context and layout requirements.



Here, the star(*) represents the below margin classes.



m It defines the margin for all sides.
mx It defines the margin for the right and left sides.
my It defines the margin for the top and bottom sides.
ml  It depicts the margin-left
mb It depicts margin-bottom
mr It depicts margin-right
mt It depicts margin-top

Text Size

In Bootstrap 5, the text size is managed through classes that provide a consistent and responsive typography system.



Here, the star(*) represents the below Text Size classes.

Text Size classes


text-sm It is defined for small screens.
text-md It is defined for medium-sized screens.
text-lg It is defined for large screens.
text-xl It is defined for extra-large screens.
text-xxl It is defined for the even larger.


  • We have to use fs-4, fs-md-3, fs-lg-2, fs-xl-1 for responsive text.
  • Now, ensure horizontal centering by using mx-auto class.
  • Now, implement my-xl-5, my-lg-4, my-md-3, my-sm-2, my-xs-1 for vertical margins.
  • Now, maintain Bootstrap styling with text-light, w-50, bg-success, p-4, and text-center.

Example: In this example, we will create a html page containing 4 boxes containing responsive text and having a responsive margin between them.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=
          referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" 
    <title>Responsive Margin</title>
    <h1 class="text-center display-4">
        Responsive Margin
    <div class="text-light w-50 bg-success p-4
                text-center mx-auto my-xl-5 my-lg-4 my-md-3 my-sm-2 my-xs-1">
        This is the
        first box
    <div class="text-light w-50 bg-success p-4 
                text-center mx-auto my-xl-5 my-lg-4 my-md-3 my-sm-2 my-xs-1">
        This is the
        second box
    <div class="text-light w-50 bg-success p-4 
                text-center mx-auto my-xl-5 my-lg-4 my-md-3 my-sm-2 my-xs-1">
        This is the
        third box
    <div class="text-light w-50 bg-success p-4 
                text-center mx-auto my-xl-5 my-lg-4 my-md-3 my-sm-2 my-xs-1">
        This is the
        forth box


/* style.css */
@media (min-width: 576px) {
    div {
        font-size: 2vw;
@media (max-width: 576px) {
    div {
        font-size: 3.5vw;
