How to merge R DataFrames of different length ?

In this article, we will discuss how to combine two dataframes of different length and make one final dataframe in the R Programming language. 

Steps –

  • Create first dataframe
  • Create second dataframe
  • Use any function from the given below and combine them
  • Display dataset so created

Method 1: Using merge function

R has an inbuilt function called merge which combines two dataframe of different lengths automatically.


merge(dataframe1, dataframe 2)



# 1st Dataframe <- data.frame(
     emp_id = c (1:5),
     emp_name = c("Ryan","Sita","Ram","Raj","Gargi"),
     salary = c(62.3,151,311.0,429.0,822.25)
# 2nd Dataframe
df2 <- data.frame(
     height = c ("5'3","5'11","4'9","6"),
     weight = c(55.8,68,89,42.9)
merge(, df2)



emp_id emp_name salary height weight

1       1     Ryan  62.30    5’3   55.8

2       2     Sita 151.00    5’3   55.8

3       3      Ram 311.00    5’3   55.8

4       4      Raj 429.00    5’3   55.8

5       5    Gargi 822.25    5’3   55.8

6       1     Ryan  62.30   5’11   68.0

7       2     Sita 151.00   5’11   68.0

8       3      Ram 311.00   5’11   68.0

9       4      Raj 429.00   5’11   68.0

10      5    Gargi 822.25   5’11   68.0

11      1     Ryan  62.30    4’9   89.0

12      2     Sita 151.00    4’9   89.0

13      3      Ram 311.00    4’9   89.0

14      4      Raj 429.00    4’9   89.0

15      5    Gargi 822.25    4’9   89.0

16      1     Ryan  62.30      6   42.9

17      2     Sita 151.00      6   42.9

18      3      Ram 311.00      6   42.9

19      4      Raj 429.00      6   42.9

20      5    Gargi 822.25      6   42.9

Method 2nd: Using cbind

 In this we will create a column named id for both the dataframes and combine the dataframes by the column id.

Syntax: cbind(x1, x2, …, deparse.level = 1)


  • x1, x2: vector, matrix, data frames
  • deparse.level: This value determines how the column names generated. The default value of deparse.level is 1.



# 1st Dataframe <- data.frame(
     emp_id = c (1:5),
     emp_name = c("Ryan","Sita","Ram","Raj","Gargi"),
     salary = c(62.3,151,311.0,429.0,822.25)
# 2nd Dataframe
df2 <- data.frame(
     height = c ("5'3","5'11","4'9","6"),
     weight = c(55.8,68,89,42.9)
# creating the column id for dataframe 1 = cbind("id"=rownames(,
# creating column id for dataframe 2
df2 = cbind("id"=rownames(df2),df2)


Output :

id emp_id emp_name salary height weight

1  1         Ryan  62.30    5’3   55.8

2  2         Sita  151.00   5’11   68.0

3  3         Ram   311.00    4’9   89.0

4  4         Raj   429.00      6   42.9

5  5         Gargi 822.25   <NA>     NA