How to migrate an PL/SQL to MySQL

Migrating PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) code to MySQL involves translating Oracle’s PL/SQL syntax and features into MySQL’s SQL language.

This process requires careful consideration of differences in syntax, data types, and supported features between the two database systems. Let’s go through the steps of migrating PL/SQL code to MySQL, along with examples.

Understand the Differences

Oracle’s PL/SQL and MySQL’s SQL have some similarities but also key differences in syntax and functionality. Key points to note include:

  • Data Types: Oracle and MySQL support similar data types, but there are variations in naming conventions and specific data type options.
  • Procedures and Functions: Oracle uses PL/SQL for stored procedures and functions, whereas MySQL typically uses SQL stored procedures and functions.
  • Control Structures: Syntax for control structures (like loops and conditional statements) may differ between Oracle PL/SQL and MySQL.

Review PL/SQL Code

First, examine your existing PL/SQL code. Identify procedures, functions, variables, and any specific Oracle SQL constructs used.

Example PL/SQL Code:

emp_name VARCHAR2(100);
SELECT first_name INTO emp_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = emp_id;
RETURN emp_name;

Translate PL/SQL to MySQL

Procedure Conversion:

For Oracle procedures/functions, convert to MySQL’s SQL format.

Translated MySQL Code:


CREATE FUNCTION get_employee_name(emp_id INT) RETURNS VARCHAR(100)
DECLARE emp_name VARCHAR(100);

SELECT first_name INTO emp_name FROM employees WHERE employee_id = emp_id;

RETURN emp_name;
END //


Consider SQL Syntax Differences

Variables: MySQL uses DECLARE to define variables within stored procedures/functions.

Delimiter: Use DELIMITER to change the statement delimiter to // when defining stored procedures/functions in MySQL.

Data Type Mapping

Ensure proper mapping of data types between Oracle and MySQL. For instance:

NUMBER in Oracle corresponds to INT or DECIMAL in MySQL.

VARCHAR2 in Oracle maps to VARCHAR in MySQL.

Test the Migration

Apply the translated MySQL code to your MySQL database. Test the functionality to ensure that the migrated code behaves as expected.

Example Output:

After migrating the PL/SQL function to MySQL and inserting test data:

MySQL Query:

SELECT get_employee_name(101) AS emp_name;

Migration Steps

Now let’s outline the steps involved in migrating PL/SQL code to MySQL:

1. Code Analysis

Begin by analyzing your existing PL/SQL codebase to understand its structure, dependencies, and functionality. Identify stored procedures, functions, triggers, and other PL/SQL objects that need to be migrated.

2. Rewrite SQL Statements

Review all SQL statements within your PL/SQL code and ensure they are compatible with MySQL syntax. Make any necessary adjustments to SQL queries, DML statements, and DDL commands to align with MySQL’s SQL dialect.

3. Convert Control Structures

Update control structures such as loops, conditional statements, and exception handling blocks to comply with SQL/PSM syntax. Modify PL/SQL-specific constructs to their equivalent counterparts in MySQL.

4. Handle Transactions

Review transaction management code in your PL/SQL procedures and triggers and ensure it follows MySQL’s transaction handling approach. MySQL uses different transaction isolation levels and commands compared to Oracle, so you may need to adjust your transaction logic accordingly.

5. Test and Validate

Thoroughly test the migrated code to ensure it behaves as expected in the MySQL environment. Execute unit tests, integration tests, and regression tests to validate functionality, performance, and data integrity.

5. Performance Optimization

Once the migration is complete, optimize your MySQL database and SQL/PSM code for performance. Review indexing strategies, query execution plans, and server configurations to achieve optimal performance in the MySQL environment.


Migrating PL/SQL to MySQL involves understanding the differences in syntax and features between the two database systems. By translating PL/SQL code into MySQL-compatible SQL, updating data types, and testing thoroughly, you can successfully migrate Oracle PL/SQL procedures/functions to MySQL. It’s important to consider specific requirements and adjust the code accordingly during the migration process.