How to modify CSS class using jQuery library ?

In this article, we will discuss how to modify the css class using jQuery. This is one of the major applications of jQuery. We generally use it when we have to add a dynamic style of the particular element of the HTML. For example, changing the color of particular class content dynamically.

Approach: We will use addclass(), css(), and some other methods of the jQuery library for modifying the CSS of the elements of HTML. Let’s understand this application using the below examples.

Example 1: In this below example, we are modifying class (“.gfg_class”) using jQuery.


<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <title>JQuery Examples</title>
    <script src=
        .gfg_class {
            color: green;
        $(() => {
            // Updating the .gfg_class font
            $("#button1").click(function () {
                $(".gfg_class").css("font-size", "24pt");
            // Adding border property to the span selector
            $("#button2").click(function () {
                $("span").css("border", "1px solid green");
            // Setting background color attribute in class (#gfg_id)
            $("#button3").click(function () {
                $("#gfg_id").css("background", "green");
    <input type="button"
           value='button1' />
        Updating the .gfg_class font<br>
    <input type="button"
           value='button2' />
        Adding border property to the span selector<br>
    <input type="button"
           value='button3' />
        Setting background color attribute in class (#gfg_id)
    <span class='gfg_class'>
      Hello this is GFG...
    <span id='gfg_id'>Great</span>
    <span class='gfg_class'>
      Hey,GFG you are great..

Output: Run the above code by creating a .html file using a text editor.

Example 2: In this example, you get to know “how to add a class in a division? “, and some of its properties for proper understanding follow comments and compare with the below output.


<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <title>JQuery Examples</title>
        .gfg_class_1 {
            color: green;
            font-style: italic;
        .gfg_class_2 {
            color: red;
        .gfg_class_3 {
            font-size: 40pt;
        .gfg_class_4 {
            font-size: 12pt;
    <script src=
        $(() => {
            // adding class in div having 'id=someSection'
            $("#button1").click(function () {
                $("#someSection > div").addClass("gfg_class_1");
            $("#button2").click(function () {
                $("#someSection div:not('.gfg_class_1')")
            // Div ahving class gfg_class_1 and
            // gfg_class_3 by below line
            $("#button3").click(function () {
                $("#someSection div.gfg_class_1")
            $("#button4").click(function () {
                $("#someSection div.gfg_class_2")
    <input type="button" id="button1" value='button1' />
      step : 1 adding class in div having 'id=someSection'
    <input type="button" id="button2" value='button2' />
      step : 2 the class gfg_class_2 will added in the div 2 and div 4
      where the effect of class gfg_class_1 is consider secondary.
    <input type="button" id="button3" value='button3' />
      step : 3 div having primary class gfg_class_1 (div 1 and div 3)
      also get gfg_class_3 by below line.
    <input type="button" id="button4" value='button4' />
    step : 4 div having primary class gfg_class_2 (div 2 and div 4)
    also get gfg_class_4 by below line
    <div id='someSection'>
            Hello,this is GFG.....
                How can I help you ????
            Okay ,so you want to code...
                Let's begin....

Output: Run the above code by creating a .html file using a text editor.

Example 3: In this example you get to know “how to add class in the table?, and “How to set different types of styling in a different block, row, and column of a table? for proper understanding follow comments and compare with the below output.


<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <title>JQuery Examples</title>
        .tbl {
            border: 1px solid black;
            border-collapse: collapse;
    <script src=
        $(() => {
            // Adding class tbl in table
            $("table th").addClass("tbl");
            $("table td").addClass("tbl");
            // Setting the table head background and border
            $("#button1").click(function () {
                $("table thead").css("background", "gray");
                $("table thead").css("color", "white");
            // Setting the head partition line in white color
            $("#button2").click(function () {
                $("table th:nth-child(2)")
                  .css("border-right", "1px solid white");
                $("table th:nth-child(1)")
                  .css("border-right", "1px solid white");
            // Setting alternative background color (on even position)
            $("#button3").click(function () {
                $("table tbody tr").filter(":even")
                  .css("background", "lightgray");
            // Text of column containing '2756' will get blue color
            $("#button3").click(function () {
                $("table tbody td:contains('2756')")
                  .css("color", "blue");
            // Text of next column containing 'Sam' will get blue color
            $("#button4").click(function () {
                $("table tbody td:contains('Sam')")
                  .next().css("color", "brown");
            // Text of all  column next to the block containing
            // '6.' will get yellow color
            $("#button5").click(function () {
                $("table tbody td:contains('6.')")
                  .nextAll().css("color", "yellow");
            // Text of row which containing '8.' will get pink color
            $("#button6").click(function () {
                $("table tbody td:contains('8.')")
                  .nextAll().addBack().css("color", "pink");
            // Text of row which containing '8.' will get bold
            $("#button7").click(function () {
                $("table tbody td:contains('Son')")
                  .parent().css("font-weight", "bold");
            // Child element of column containing '2756' will get bold
            $("#button8").click(function () {
                $("table tbody td:contains('2756')")
                  .children().css("font-weight", "bold");
    <input type="button"
           value='button1' />
      setting the table head background and border
    <input type="button"
           value='button2' />
      setting the head partition line in white color
    <input type="button"
           value='button3' />
      text of column containing '2756' will get blue color
    <input type="button"
           value='button4' />
      text of next column containing 'Sam' will get blue color
    <input type="button"
           value='button5' />
      text of all column next to the block containing '6.'
      will get yellow color
    <input type="button"
           value='button6' />
      text of row which containing '8.' will get pink color
    <input type="button"
           value='button7' />
      text of row which containing '8.' will get bold
    <input type="button"
           value='button8' />
      child element of column containing '2756' will get bold
    <h1>GFG rating table</h1>
                <th>GFG rating</th>
                <td>2756<span>(leader)</span> </td>

Output: Run the above code by creating a .html file using a text editor.