How to Optimize Your Relational Database Performance

Relational Databases are the backbone of any modern application. While handling vast amounts of data databases have to ensure efficient data retrieval and manipulation. Although modern RDBMS and hardware can run most of the queries in a small response time, still there is always room for improvement.

As data scales and usage patterns evolve, it is essential to give attention to database performance optimization. In this article, we will be discussing some good strategies to optimize a Relational Database performance.

Why is Database Performance Optimization Important?

Optimizing a Relational Database system is very important, and there are several important reasons for it.

  • User Experience: Optimal database performance directly results in a better user experience. Users always expect a faster response and responsive interaction with applications. Slow or unresponsive databases can result in a bad user experience and reduce the number of user repetitions.
  • Application Performance: The performance of the database impacts the overall performance of the application. Slow database queries can create bottleneck in the application and cause delays in data retrieval and processing. This results in poor application performance.
  • Scalability and Efficiently: Optimized databases’ performance enables applications to handle increasing data loads efficiently. Businesses can scale these type of databases without affecting the database performance, which helps the application to serve an increasing user base of business data.

Types Of Database Performance Optimizations

1. Query Optimization

Query optimization is the process of improving the efficiency and performance of database queries to minimize resource usage and execution time. Query optimization involves analyzing queries to remove inefficiencies and scope to improve them. Optimized queries ensure faster data retrieval and data processing which directly results in good application performance.

Example: Suppose you are at a library to get a book, now instead of asking for all the books in the library better you ask for the book by it’s name or ask the librarian for the books published by a particular author, and that’s how you will be getting the correct book in less time. That’s how query optimization works. We try to make the query as specific as we can and reduce complexity.

Check some practical uses of Query Optimization below:

a. Select limited data: It is always a good practice to retrieve the amount of data which is required. This helps the query to run faster. Applying conditions according to the need can help selecting the required data.

Example: Suppose we are looking for a Customer who lives in Delhi. So instead of writing below code. We can use a ‘WHERE‘ clause and specify more details to filter.

Select customerName from Customer;

Query using WHERE Clause:

Select customerName for Customer where city = 'Delhi';

b. Avoid Functions: Avoid using functions in WHERE clauses, as they can inhibit index usage. When a function is applied to a column in the WHERE clause, RDBMS must evaluate the function for every row in the table, potentially leading to a increased time for large databases.

Example: Let’s consider a scenario where we have to check all details of Orders for a particular date.

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE DATE(order_date) = '2024-01-01';

Now in the above query, the Date() function is applied on the order_date column. If order_date is indexed, then the RDBMS may not be able to utilize the index efficiently due to the function applied. Let’s see how we can re-write this in a optimized way.

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date = '2024-01-01';

Now if we want to perform data manipulation, it is recommended to perform those operations outside the WHERE clause, which can be done using application code or by creating any computed column in the database.

2. Indexing

Indexing is like creating a table of contents for our database. It helps the database quickly find a specific data by creating a reference list. The list points to where the certain information is stored.

For example, we can think of a book with multiple chapters. Now if we are looking for a specific chapter, we can look at the index page instead of flipping through the pages. Similarly in databases, indexing allows us to quickly find specific data without searching through every record.

Let’s see how we can create index. Suppose we have a Order table and we want to create index on Orders table using CustomerID.

CREATE INDEX indx_CustomerID ON Orders(CustomerID);

There are different types of indexes, such as B-tree, hash, etc. Each suits a different type of queries and data. We can also use composite index which involves multiple columns together. Indexing makes database operations fast but we need to maintain indexes to ensure they reflect latest changes in data.

3. Normalization

Normalization is a process that organizes data to minimize redundancy and dependency to ensure data integrity and efficiency. In simple terms, Normalization involves breaking large tables into smaller related tables and defining a relationship among them.

Example: Consider a database for library where books and author details are stored. Now a author can write many books. If we use a table to store this data there will be redundancy. So we will apply normalization here and make two tables, one for book details and another for author details and connect both the tables using a Many to One relationship. To implement this we can use the following SQL query.

Name VARCHAR(50),
Publisher VARCHAR(100),

Address VARCHAR(100),
Email VARCHAR(50),

4. Resource Optimization

Optimizing the resources of an Relational Database system will also help optimizing the database performance.

a) CPU Optimization: The server’s CPU is essential for database performance. CPU is like a engine that is running the whole system. CPU optimization includes.

  • Adjusting configuration settings to optimize CPU usage.
  • Upgrading the hardware in use, or changing the CPU with a newer version to handle the load efficiently.

b) Memory Optimization: Allocating enough memory to the relational database system can improve the overall performance by reducing the disk I/O and increasing the speed of data access.

  • Allocating sufficient memory to the Database.
  • Caching frequently accessed data into memory for faster access.

c) Disk Space Management: Efficient management of disk space includes monitoring of disk space used by the database for better performance. This includes,

  • Regular check of disk space used.
  • Archiving old records or deleting old logs.
  • Moving data to a larger storage device if required.

How To Make Your Database Run Faster?

Improving the performance of database can be achieved through various methods, the optimization tips discussed earlier are also can help your database to run faster. The following strategies are to be used to make a database run faster.

1. Database Design

  • Database design is the process of creating a database through maintaining good practices and aimed at creating an efficient data storage system.
  • A good database design ensures data consistency, minimizes redundancy, and enable faster searching in the database.
  • Reduced redundancy leads to optimized storage space. Utilizing indices makes operations easier and faster response faster which makes the database to run fast.

2. Disk Space Management

  • When the available disk space in the database server is low or running out, it can downgrade the database performance and led the system to run slow or may be crash.
  • To address this issue, we can remove unnecessary or outdated data, and use compression or archiving techniques to reduce data size.
  • We can also implement limits and use monitoring systems to prevent disk space issues and make the database to run faster.

3. Database Clustering

  • Database clustering involves distributing a database’s workload across multiple servers, or noes to improve performance.
  • This also ensures high availability of data. Clustering also helps in parallel processing of read and write operations to improve overall throughput and response time.
  • In case of any server failure on primary node, database clustering automatically re-directs requests to another node to provide fast and stable data source.

4. Hardware Upgrade

  • Old and faulty hardware makes the database system slow. Increasing RAM and upgrading CPU of the database server to a newer version can help it to run fast.
  • Accordingly, optimizing database configuration settings will help in a better resource utilization for data processing and retrieval. This will make the database to run efficiently and improve the overall performance.

5. Connection Capacity Evaluation

  • Monitoring and evaluating the capacity of the database system is crucial for a database to run faster.
  • The database’s capacity to handle simultaneous connection requests is to be maintained for faster database operations. Over-loading the database with connections can strain the database leading to a performance downgrade.
  • By assessing and managing the connection capacity we can ensure smooth database operation.

6. Network performance Management

  • Efficient network infrastructure is essential for the delivery of services and applications that are depended on the database connectivity.
  • Network performance monitoring involves monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing network performance to identify and address bottleneck, slowdowns, and failures that could impact the responsiveness of the database.


Optimizing relational database performance is essential to maintain the responsiveness, scalability, and reliability of the relational database system. By implementing techniques like Query optimization, indexing, Logging, etc. organizations can identify and address performance bottlenecks, improve query time, and overall performance. Effective database performance optimization not only ensures a better user experience but also helps in cost savings, improved application performance.