How to Pause or Resume your Google Ads?

Google Ads is a powerful tool for businesses to reach potential customers. However, there are times when you might want to take a break from advertising. Whether it’s due to budget constraints, seasonal fluctuations, or simply needing to re-evaluate your strategy, Google Ads offers flexible options to manage your ad campaigns. In this guide, we’ll explore how to stop, pause, or cancel Google Ads, giving you full control over your advertising spend.

Table of Content

  • How to Stop Google Ads?
  • Step-by-Step Instructions
  • Additional Tips for Effective Ad Control
  • FAQs

How to Stop Google Ads?

When you need control over your advertising, Google Ads provides two primary options: pausing and canceling. Let’s break down each method and when it’s the right choice:


Pausing Ads

Canceling Campaigns


Think of pausing ads like hitting the “snooze” button on your alarm. Your ads temporarily stop running, but all your campaign settings, keywords, and ad copy remain saved. This makes it incredibly easy to resume your advertising later without starting from scratch.

Canceling a Google Ads campaign is a more permanent action. This completely ends the campaign, and you’ll need to set everything up again if you decide to re-advertise that product or service in the future.

Ideal for:

  • Seasonal businesses (e.g., holiday decorations, winter sports gear)
  • Temporary out-of-stock situations
  • Updating or refining your ad campaigns
  • Major changes in your advertising strategy or targeting
  • Discontinuing a product or service
  • Completely ending a promotional campaign

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. How to Pause Ads?

Individual Ads:

  • Log into your Google Ads account.
  • Navigate to the “Ads & extensions” section.
  • Locate the ad you want to pause. You’ll see a green dot next to active ads.
  • Click the green dot and select “Pause” from the dropdown menu.

Bulk Pausing

  • In the “Ads & extensions” section, use the checkboxes to select multiple ads for pausing.
  • At the top of the table, click the “Edit” button.
  • Select “Pause” from the dropdown menu.

2. How to Pause Smart Campaigns?

Temporarily vs Indefinitely: Google Ads offers flexibility when pausing Smart Campaigns:

  • Indefinite Pause: Resume manually when you’re ready.
  • Scheduled Pause: Set a start and end date for automatic pausing and resuming.

Step-by-Step Instructions to Pause Smart Campaigns

  • Access your Smart campaign settings.
  • Click the campaign’s current status (e.g., “Enabled”).
  • Select “Pause campaign” and confirm.
  • Choose your pause type (indefinite or scheduled).
  • If scheduling, select your dates.
  • Click “Pause” to finalize.

3. How to Cancel a Campaign?

  • Navigate to the “Campaigns” section of your Google Ads account.
  • Select the campaign you wish to cancel.
  • Click the “Settings” tab.
  • Scroll down to “Status” and select “Cancel campaign“.
  • Confirm the cancellation.

Note: While paused campaigns don’t accrue charges, there might be a pending bill for costs incurred before pausing.

Additional Tips for Effective Ad Control

1. Making the Most of Pausing

  • Use scheduled pauses for predictable seasonal changes in demand.
  • Utilize pause periods to review and refine your ad copy or targeting.
  • Run A/B tests during pauses: Experiment with different ad variations while your main campaign isn’t accruing costs.

2. When Canceling is the Better Option

  • Consider canceling campaigns when undergoing major shifts in audience targeting or overall branding.
  • Cancel campaigns attached to completely discontinued products or services.

3. Managing Multiple Campaigns

  • Use clear labeling and organization within your Google Ads account to easily track campaigns.
  • Explore Google Ads tools for automated rules and scheduling to streamline management.
  • Create custom reports to compare campaign performance and identify areas for improvement.

4. Beyond Pausing and Canceling

  • Regularly review ad performance metrics: Monitor clicks, impressions, and conversions to guide your decisions.
  • Utilize “negative keywords” to prevent your ads from showing for irrelevant searches.
  • Take advantage of Google Ads bid adjustments to optimize spending across different devices, locations, and times of day.


Google Ads is designed to give you flexibility and control over your advertising efforts. Whether you need a temporary pause, a complete campaign reset, or want to refine how you see ads, the options are at your fingertips.


My ads are still showing after I paused/canceled them.

There are few Possible Cause like Review delays, automated rules in your account, or other active campaigns with the same products/keywords. You need to double-check your ad or campaign status in Google Ads. Refer to Google Ads Help Center for in-depth troubleshooting.

Are there alternatives if I want to stop Google Ads permanently?

Explore advertising on Bing, Facebook, or platforms specializing in your niche. Invest in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase long-term visibility on search results.