How to Prepare a Word List for the GRE General Test

Preparing a word list for GRE is very useful as it helps in last minute quick revisions. Here are few steps to prepare a word list for GRE:

  1. Choosing the right material:
    It is important to check the authenticity of the material, before starting the preparation. The more words an individual memorises, higher is the chance of succeeding.

  2. Choosing a convenient reading domain:
    The reading domain can be a hardcopy or softcopy of the word list, whichever option suits the best to an individual. Make notes from this domain. Microsoft One Note helps in creating an editable soft copy of the material.

  3. Alphabetical grouping:
    It is important to arrange the words, which an individual memorises. Alphabetical ordering is the best way for systematic arrangement.

  4. Knowing the basic structure of a word:
    A word is formed by the combination of prefix, root and suffix. Learn few common prefix, suffix and roots.

  5. Making proper notes:
    Make a list of all the roots which form a word and try to connect the meaning of the word with the root.

  6. Creating Visuals:
    Link the word with some visual, this will help in memorising the word easily. Picture Flashcards are used for this purpose.

  7. Creating a shortlist of words:
    Make a list of the words which are important and difficult to memorise.

  8. Grouping words:
    It is an easy way to group words, so that similar words can be read together. The grouping may be done based on the meaning and relevance of the word.

  9. Taking care of Spelling and Pronunciations:
    It is a good idea to group words according to their spellings and pronunciations. For example,

    imminent – eminent- immanent;  
    inspire – perspire – respire – suspire – transpire 
  10. Properly reviewing the words:
    Audio record the word list and go through the list whenever possible.

  11. Question when reviewing words:
    It is important to question the existence and inter-connection of words that are read, to understand the language deeply.

  12. Revising regularly:
    The secret of getting ahead is revising what you read. Devote proper time to revising, what is being read. Timely efforts count in the long run.