How to Print Colored Text to the Linux Terminal

Printing colored text to the Linux terminal can greatly enhance the visual appeal and readability of your command-line applications or scripts. While the terminal traditionally displays text in monochrome, incorporating colors can provide crucial context, highlight important information, or simply add a touch of aesthetic appeal. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods to print colored text to the Linux terminal, covering everything from basic ANSI escape sequences to more advanced techniques using libraries like tput and terminfo.

Print Colored Text to the Linux Terminal

  • ANSI Escape Sequences:
  • Using tput:
  • Terminfo Database:
  • Using Shell Functions:

ANSI Escape Sequences:

ANSI escape sequences are a standard for controlling text formatting and colors in terminal environments. They consist of special character sequences preceded by the escape character (\e or \033). Here’s how you can use ANSI escape sequences to print colored text:

echo -e "\e[31mThis text is red\e[0m"

changing text to red

In this example:

  • \e[31m sets the text color to red.
  • \e[0m resets the text formatting to the default.

You can replace 31 with other ANSI color codes for different colors:

  • 31: Red
  • 32: Green
  • 33: Yellow
  • 34: Blue
  • 35: Magenta
  • 36: Cyan

Using tput:

The tput command is a POSIX standard utility that enables terminal-related operations, including setting text attributes and colors. Here’s how you can use tput to print colored text:

Create script using vim editor

vim colorchangingtext


RED=$(tput setaf 1) RESET=$(tput sgr0) echo “${RED}This text is red${RESET}”

Executing Script

bash colorchangingtext

using tput

In this example:

  • tput setaf 1 sets the foreground color to red.
  • tput sgr0 resets text formatting.

You can replace 1 with other color codes as per the tput documentation.

Terminfo Database:

The terminfo database contains information about the capabilities of various terminals, including color support. You can leverage this database to print colored text dynamically based on the terminal’s capabilities. Here’s how you can do it:

We’ll create a script using vim editor

vim colorchange


if [ $(tput colors) -ge 8 ]; then
RED=$(tput setaf 1)
RESET=$(tput sgr0)
echo “${RED}This text is red${RESET}”
echo “Terminal does not support colors.”

Executing Script

bash colorchange

Terminfo Database

This script checks if the terminal supports at least 8 colors before printing colored text. If it does, it sets the text color to red; otherwise, it prints a message indicating that the terminal does not support colors.

Using Shell Functions:

To simplify the process of printing colored text, you can define shell functions in your scripts. Here’s an example of a shell function for printing colored text:

We’ll create a script using vim editor

vim color


print_color() {
local color=$1
local text=$2
echo -e “$(tput setaf $color)$text$(tput sgr0)”

# Usage

print_color 2 “This text is green”

Executing Script

bash color

Using shell function

This function takes two arguments: the color code and the text to be printed. It then applies the specified color to the text using tput.

Print Colored Text to the Linux Terminal – FAQs

How do I print colored text in the Linux terminal using Bash?

You can print colored text in the Linux terminal using ANSI escape codes.

For example: to print red text

echo -e "\e[31mHello, world!\e[0m"

Here, \e[31m sets the color to red, and \e[0m resets the color to the default. You can replace 31 with other ANSI color codes for different colors.

What are ANSI escape codes and how can I use them for colored text in the terminal?

ANSI escape codes are special sequences of characters that control cursor movement, text formatting, and colors on text terminals. To use them for colored text, you typically start with `\e`[ followed by the desired formatting, such as color codes like `31` for red. To reset formatting, use `\e[0m`. These codes are interpreted by the terminal emulator to perform actions like changing text color.

Are there libraries for printing colored text in languages like Python or Perl on Linux?

Yes, there are libraries available for various programming languages to facilitate printing colored text in the terminal.

For Python, you can use `colorama`, which simplifies cross-platform color output.

For Perl, `Term::ANSIColor` is a popular choice. These libraries abstract away the complexity of ANSI escape codes and provide simple interfaces for coloring text.

Can I customize terminal colors beyond basic ANSI codes in Linux?

Yes, you can customize terminal colors further by modifying your terminal emulator’s settings. Most terminal emulators allow you to customize the color palette used for text and background colors. Additionally, some terminals support more advanced features like true color (24-bit) support, which provides a wider range of colors compared to the basic 8 ANSI colors.

What tools or methods enable printing text with multiple colors in a single terminal line in Linux?

Printing text with multiple colors in a single terminal line can be achieved by using ANSI escape codes repeatedly within the same echo or printf statement.

For example: To print “Red” in red, “Green” in green, and “Yellow” in yellow on the same line. Alternatively, you can use scripting languages like Bash or Python to programmatically generate complex colored output.

echo -e "\e[31mRed \e[32mGreen \e[33mYellow\e[0m"


Printing colored text to the Linux terminal is a straightforward yet powerful way to enhance the visual presentation of your command-line applications or scripts. Whether you opt for ANSI escape sequences, tput, or dynamic color detection using the terminfo database, mastering these techniques will allow you to create more engaging and informative terminal experiences. Experiment with different colors and formatting options to discover the best approach for your specific needs.