How to Remove Docker Volumes

Docker volumes are a crucial component in Docker that are used to manage persistent data for containerized applications. They are storage units that can be attached to one or more containers, allowing data to be shared and persist beyond the lifecycle of a single container. They are managed by Docker and are stored outside the container’s writable layer.

They are prominently used for:

  1. Storing database data to ensure persistence across container restarts.
  2. Storing logs outside containers
  3. Mounting source code directories for live development etc.

Types of Docker Volumes

  1. Named Volumes: These are created and managed by Docker, and can be used by specifying a name. They are stored in Docker’s storage area and can be shared between containers.
  2. Anonymous Volumes: These are created when a container is started without specifying a volume name. They are useful for temporary data storage.
  3. Host Volumes (Bind Mounts): These are directories on the host machine mounted into the container.

Advantages of using Docker volumes

  • Data Persistence: Volumes ensure that data remains available even after a container is deleted or recreated.
  • Data Sharing: Volumes allow data to be shared among multiple containers.
  • Performance: Volumes are managed by Docker, providing optimized performance compared to using the host file system directly.
  • Backup and Restore: Volumes can be easily backed up and restored, providing a reliable way to manage data.

Removing Docker Volumes

Unused volumes if accumulated over time, can consume disk space resulting in wastage of resources. To prevent this unnecessary docker volumes must be frequently removed. Removing Docker volumes helps free up space and keep your Docker environment clean. Here’s how you can manage and remove Docker volumes.

Unnecessary docker volumes can be removed as follows:

Listing Docker Volumes

To see all docker volumes that are in use/ available use the following command:

docker volume ls

Removing a Specific Unused Volume

An unwanted volume can be removed by either using it’s volume Id or volume name as follows:

docker volume rm <volume_name>

Removing a specific volume that is in use

Sometimes, a volume may be in use by a container, and attempting to remove it will result in an error. To forcefully remove a volume, you must first ensure that no containers are using it. Stop and remove any containers that might be using the volume, then proceed to remove the volume as follows:

docker volume ls
docker volume rm <volume_name>
docker stop <container_id>
docker rm <container_id>
docker volume rm <volume_name>

Removing All Unused (Anonymous) Volumes

To remove all unused anonynmous volumes the following command can be used:

docker volume prune

This helps by freeing up space used by anonymous volumes that are not under use

Remove Docker Volumes – FAQs

What happens to the data in a volume when I remove it?

When you remove a Docker volume, all data stored in that volume is permanently deleted. Ensure that any important data is backed up or no longer needed before removing the volume.

Can I remove a volume that is currently in use by a container?

No, Docker will not allow you to remove a volume that is currently in use by a running or stopped container. You need to stop and remove the container(s) using the volume before you can remove it.

How can I check which volumes are not being used by any container?

Unfortunately, Docker does not provide a direct command to list unused volumes, but you can use the following approach:

  1. List all volumes
  2. List volumes used by each container
  3. Compare these lists to identify unused volumes manually.