How to Rename and Move a File in Golang?

In the Go language, you are allowed to rename and move the existing file to a new path with the help of the Rename() method. This method is used to rename and move a file from the old path to the new path.

  • If the given new path already exists and it is not in a directory, then this method will replace it. But OS-specific restrictions may apply when the given old path and the new path are in different directories.
  • If the given path is incorrect, then it will throw an error of type *LinkError.
  • It is defined under the os package so, you have to import os package in your program for accessing Remove() function.


func Rename(old_path, new_path string) error

Example 1:

// Go program to illustrate how to rename
// and move a file in default directory
package main
import (
func main() {
    // Rename and Remove a file
    // Using Rename() function
    Original_Path := "w3wiki.txt"
    New_Path := "gfg.txt"
    e := os.Rename(Original_Path, New_Path)
    if e != nil {




Example 2:

// Go program to illustrate how to rename 
// and remove a file in the new directory
package main
import (
func main() {
    // Rename and Remove a file
    // Using Rename() function
    Original_Path := "/Users/anki/Documents/new_folder/w3wiki.txt"
    New_Path := "/Users/anki/Documents/new_folder/myfolder/gfg.txt"
    e := os.Rename(Original_Path, New_Path)
    if e != nil {


