How to Rename Images and Media Files in WordPress?

Renaming images and media files in WordPress can be used for SEO and organization purposes. When you rename an image file, you can improve its relevance to your content and make it easier for search engines to understand the context of the image. Additionally, renaming media files can help you better organize your media library. In this article, we will describe the process of renaming images and media files in WordPress.

Steps to Rename Images and Media Files in WordPress

Step 1: Access Your WordPress Dashboard

Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

Login page of WordPress

Step 2: Navigate to Your Media Library

In the WordPress dashboard, go to Media > Library.

Media page of WordPress

Step 3: Select the Image or Media File and Click on Edit Button

Browse through your media library and click on the image or media file you wish to rename. Once you’ve selected the image or media file, click on the “Edit” button located below the file.

Edit button

Step 4: Edit the File Name

In the Edit Media screen, you will see the current file name. Click on the file name to edit it. Enter the new file name and click on the “Save” button to apply the changes.

Edit the name of Image

Step 5: Update the Post or Page

  • If the image or media file is already inserted into a post or page, you may need to update the post or page to reflect the new file name.
  • Go to the post or page where the image or media file is used, and click on the “Update” button to save the changes.