How to Replace an Object in an Array with Another Object Based on Property ?

In JavaScript, replacing an object in an array with another object based on a specific property involves identifying and updating elements within the array. This task is essential when modifications to individual objects are required, such as updating values or swapping objects based on a particular property criteria.

Table of Content

  • Using map()
  • Using findIndex() and splice()
  • Using filter() and concat()

Using map()

This method used the map function to create a new array by iterating over the original array. It checks a specific property to identify the target object for replacement. If the condition is met, a new object with updated values is returned; otherwise, the original object is retained.

Example: Demonstrate the creation of a new array by applying a function to each element in the existing array using a map().


const books = [
  { title: "Book1", isbn: "12345", edition: 1 },
  { title: "Book2", isbn: "67890", edition: 2 },
  { title: "Book3", isbn: "54321", edition: 1 },
const updatedBooksMap = => {
  if (book.isbn === "67890") {
    return {, edition: 3 }; // Replace edition with a new value
  return book;


  { title: 'Book1', isbn: '12345', edition: 1 },
  { title: 'Book2', isbn: '67890', edition: 3 },
  { title: 'Book3', isbn: '54321', edition: 1 }

Using findIndex() and splice()

The findIndex method is used to locate the index of the object in the array based on a specific property. If the index is found, the splice function is used to replace the existing object with a new one. This approach directly modifies the original array.

Example: Demonstration to find the index of the element based on the property using findIndex and then replace concatenate using splice.


const books = [
    { title: "Book1", isbn: "12345", edition: 1 },
    { title: "Book2", isbn: "67890", edition: 2 },
    { title: "Book3", isbn: "54321", edition: 1 },
  const indexToReplace =
      books.findIndex((book) => book.isbn === "67890");
  if (indexToReplace !== -1) {
    const updatedBooksSplice = [...books];
    updatedBooksSplice.splice(indexToReplace, 1, {
      edition: 3,


  { title: 'Book1', isbn: '12345', edition: 1 },
  { title: 'Book2', isbn: '67890', edition: 3 },
  { title: 'Book3', isbn: '54321', edition: 1 }

Using filter() and concat()

The filter method is applied to exclude the object to be replaced, and the concat function is used to append a new object with updated values. This method creates a new array without modifying the original one, making it suitable for scenarios where immutability is desired. It offers a clean and declarative way to achieve the replacement.

Example: In this, filter out the object to be replaced using the filter function and then concatenate the new object using the concat.


const books = [
    { title: "Book1", isbn: "12345", edition: 1 },
    { title: "Book2", isbn: "67890", edition: 2 },
    { title: "Book3", isbn: "54321", edition: 1 },
  const updatedBooksFilterConcat = books
    .filter((book) => book.isbn !== "67890")
    .concat({ title: "Book2", isbn: "67890", edition: 3 });


  { title: 'Book1', isbn: '12345', edition: 1 },
  { title: 'Book3', isbn: '54321', edition: 1 },
  { title: 'Book2', isbn: '67890', edition: 3 }