How to Reset SQLite Primary Key Sequence When it Falls Out of Sync?

SQLite is one of the most popular embedded database engines which uses primary keys to distinguish among different records saved in a table. However, the primary key field could become unstable as a result, the data integrity might be threatened and the functionality of the application could fail.

In case such a scenario occurs, it is important to clear out the primary key sequence to be synchronized. In this article, We will learn about How to reset SQLite primary key sequence when it falls out of sync by considering various methods along with the examples and so on.

Understanding SQLite Primary Keys

  • It is mandatory to have at least a basic understanding of how SQLite uses primary keys before discussing the process of resetting primary key sequences.
  • In SQLite, primary keys may be INTEGER PRIMARY KEY or INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT. It provides the instances an incremental value for the key field assigned automatically on inserting a new row into the table.
  • When a row is deleted from a table in SQLite the previously used primary key value is not re-used by default. This behavior hence guarantees the referential integrity and also fixes potential conflicts of data that may arise.
  • On the other hand, this may cause some tables not to have sequential primary key values because of the gaps in the sequence, so they will become out of sync with the actual number of rows in a table.

Identifying Out-of-Sync Primary Key Sequences

  • Identifying when the primary keys sequence becomes inconsistency is a must so that the data integrity can be preserved.
  • The lower indicators of this problem may include primary key values that are unexpected and gaps in the sequence of numbers or inconsistency of primary key values with the actual number of rows in the table.

Using SQL Commands to Reset SQLite Primary Key Sequence

This approach involves executing SQL commands directly on the SQLite database in order to reset the primary key sequence. Now, let us understand the process using an example.

Consider a table named employees with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE employees (
name TEXT,

Let’s insert some data into the employees table:

INSERT INTO employees (name, age) VALUES ('John Doe', 30);
INSERT INTO employees (name, age) VALUES ('Jane Smith', 25);
INSERT INTO employees (name, age) VALUES ('Michael Johnson', 35);

After inserting data, the primary key sequence might look like this:


Suppose we delete a row from the table using below code:

DELETE FROM employees WHERE id = 2;

Now, the primary key sequence becomes out of sync as shown below:


To reset the Primary key Sequence,Follow Below Steps

1. Identify the Maximum Existing Primary Key Value

SELECT MAX(id) FROM employees;



2. Update the SQLite Sequence

UPDATE sqlite_sequence SET seq = 3 WHERE name = 'employees';

3. Reset the Primary Key Sequence

DELETE FROM employees WHERE id = 3;

After executing these commands, the primary key sequence will be reset, ensuring that the next inserted row receives the correct primary key value


Overall, The need for a properly arranged primary key sequence falls into one of the most important SQLite database performance and integrity attributes. When the main key sequence escapes the predefined settings, the number of methods to reset it correctly increases. Through application of the most suitable method that meets the particular needs and constraints of the database, the administrators and application developers can handle the problems concerning data integrity and application feature compatibility well, maintaining a satisfying and convenient database operation.