How to Resolve a java.lang.AbstractMethodError in Java?

The java.lang.AbstractMethodError is a runtime error in Java that occurs when a class lacks the implementation of the abstract method declared in one of its interfaces or abstract parent classes. This error signifies a mismatch between the expected and actual class hierarchy.


public interface MyInterface {
    void myMethod();

public class MyClass implements MyInterface {
    // Missing implementation of myMethod

Program to Resolve a java.lang.AbstractMethodError in Java

The java.lang.AbstractMethodError occurs when a class attempts to invoke an abstract method that should have been implemented by the concrete subclass but isn’t.

Below is the Program to Resolve a java.lang.AbstractMethodError:


interface GFG {
    void myMethod();
// Class implementing the interface
// And providing the implementation
class myClass implements GFG {
    // Implementation of abstract method
    public void myMethod() {
        System.out.println("Implementation of myMethod");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating an instance of MyClass
        myClass obj = new myClass();
        // Calling the implemented method


Implementation of myMethod

Explanation of the above Program:

  • We define an interface GFG with the abstract method myMethod().
  • We create a class myClass that implements the GFG interface. This class provides an implementation for myMethod() method.
  • Inside the myMethod() implementation we print the message “Implementation of myMethod”.
  • In the main() method we create an object obj of myClass class.
  • We then call the myMethod() method on obj object in which invokes the implemented method in myClass class.
  • When the program is executed and it prints the message “Implementation of myMethod” to the console.