How to Right-align flex item?

CSS | flex-box

Flex-box is simply a web layout method that allows developers to align the elements easily and much more. The whole concept of flex-box depends on two major pillars: main-axis and cross-axis.

Representation of flex-box

To align the flex items left/right, We need to deal with the main-axis, which can be done using flex-box properties. A detailed explanation is given below:

Example 1:  Right aligning flex item using flex-direction property

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Right Alignment</title>
            height: 300px; 
            border: 5px solid black; 
            display: flex; 
            flex-direction: row-reverse;
  #container div 
            width: 100px; 
            height: 50px; 
<div id="container"
        <div style="background-color:#389900;">one</div
        <div style="background-color:#08ebb2;">two</div
        <div style="background-color:#dd2289;">three</div
        <div style="background-color:#fcff66;">four</div>     

When flex-direction is set as “row-reverse” it not only right aligns the flex items but reverses the order of the items also. In simple words, flex-items now expand from right to left as shown in the given figure.



Example 2:  Right aligning flex item using justify-content property

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Right alignment</title>
            height: 300px; 
            border: 5px solid black; 
            display: flex; 
            justify-content: flex-end;
  #container div 
            width: 100px; 
            height: 50px; 
<div id="container"
        <div style="background-color:#389900;">one</div
        <div style="background-color:#08ebb2;">two</div
        <div style="background-color:#dd2289;">three</div
        <div style="background-color:#fcff66;">four</div>

When justify-content is set to “flex-end”, it instantly shifts all the flex-items to the end of the flex-container along the main-axis, i.e flex items get right aligned. It is different from the above-used method in terms of direction only as in this, flex-items will expand from left to right only. It will be more clear with the given figure.

