How to Run Binary Logistic Regression in SPSS?

Answer: To run binary logistic regression in SPSS, navigate to Analyze > Regression > Binary Logistic.

Running binary logistic regression in SPSS involves several steps. Here’s a detailed guide:

  1. Launch SPSS and Open Data:
    • Open SPSS software and load your dataset containing the variables of interest, including the binary outcome variable and predictor variables.
  2. Access Binary Logistic Regression:
    • Navigate to the top menu and click on “Analyze.”
    • From the dropdown menu, select “Regression” and then click on “Binary Logistic.”
  3. Specify Variables:
    • Transfer the binary outcome variable into the “Dependent” box.
    • Transfer the predictor variables into the “Covariates” box.
  4. Options:
    • Click on the “Options” button to specify additional settings such as method, classification cutoff, and selection criteria.
    • You can also choose to save predicted probabilities, residuals, and other diagnostic statistics.
  5. Model Fit Statistics:
    • Select the “Statistics” button to choose the model fit statistics you want to include in the output. Common statistics include the Hosmer and Lemeshow test, classification table, and deviance statistics.
  6. Run the Analysis:
    • Click “OK” to run the binary logistic regression analysis.
    • SPSS will generate output including coefficients, odds ratios, significance tests, and model fit statistics.
  7. Interpret the Output:
    • Interpret the coefficients and odds ratios to understand the relationship between the predictor variables and the binary outcome variable.
    • Examine model fit statistics to assess the overall fit of the logistic regression model to the data.
  8. Check Assumptions:
    • Ensure that the assumptions of logistic regression, such as linearity of the logit and absence of multicollinearity, are met.
  9. Further Analysis:
    • Conduct post-hoc analyses or additional diagnostics if necessary, such as checking for influential cases or conducting sensitivity analyses.


Running binary logistic regression in SPSS involves accessing the appropriate menu, specifying the variables, options, and model fit statistics, and interpreting the output to conclude the relationship between predictor variables and a binary outcome. By following these steps and conducting thorough analyses, researchers can gain valuable insights into the factors influencing binary outcomes in their datasets.