How to set or update page title using UI-Router?

UI-Router: UI-Router is a client-side router. It is made for single-page web applications. A client-side router updates the browser URL as the user navigates through the single-page app.

AngularJS allows you to change your page title at different stages

Let’s see how to change title

  • using a resolve function in our $state to tell the title
  • using $rootScope.$on(…) function within our module .run
  • by updating the title in our controller, good for dynamic page titles, like blog posts, etc.
    This is the way you can set page title using UI-Router
  • Using Resolve:
    Install angular-ui-title and append to your Angular project as usual, then don’t forget to inject the ui-router-title in your parent app module.

    angular.module('codeSide', [
                    'ui.router', 'ui.router.title'])
          function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        .state('home', {
          url: '/',
          templateUrl: 'home/home.html',
          controller: 'HomeController',
          resolve: function() {
            $title: 'Homepage'
       // other states here


    In your Index file code should be

        <title ng-bind=
             "($title || 'Home') + ' :: CodeBySide'">
    About US
    Contact US
        <title ng-bind=
              "($title || 'Home') + ' :: CodeBySide'">



    our title is not dynamically generated in the above code.

    Get titles to be dynamically generated
    angular-ui-router changes the $rootScope to make the $title variable available sitewide.


      .then(function(data) {
      $rootScope.$title = data.title; 
       // update title with detail page
      // other code here


    It is with using the angular-ui-title approach.

    Using $rootScope.$on(…)
    In this approach ui-router permits adding arbitrary key: value stuff to our $state config, available to be referenced anywhere we want anytime.


    .state('detail', {
      url: '/codes/:codeId',
      templateUrl: 'codes/detail.html',
      controller: 'DetailController',
      data: {
         title: 'Code Detail'


    With this approach, we need an extra intermediary approach within the .run function of our app.

    .run(['$rootScope', '$state',
      function($rootScope, $state) {
        $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function() {
          $rootScope.title = $;


    In index file for this approach replace the $title variable with just title like this

        <title ng-bind="(title || 'Home') + ' :: CodeBySide'">
    About US
    Contact US
        <title ng-bind="(title || 'Home') + ' :: CodeBySide'">



    Then doing the snippet from above, with a slight change gets us up and running:

      .then(function(data) {
      $rootScope.title = data.title; 
      // update title with detail page
      // many code here