How to Setup Atom Editor with all the required Packages?

To get started with Atom, first, we’ll need to get it on your system. This section will go over installing Atom on your system as well as the basics of how to build it from source with the proper packages needed for a Web-Developer.

Downloading and Installation

Atom Editor can be downloaded from its official site For installation:

On Windows

Step 1: Click the button and download the .exe file. Step 2: Run the .exe package and Atom get easily installed by itself on the Windows OS.

On Mac

Step 1: Click the button and download the .dmg file. Step 2: Run the .dmg package , and move app to Applications folder Atom get listed in Apps in macOS.

On Linux

You can install Atom Editor on Linux using your distribution package manager on the terminal by configuring it to use one of Atom’s official package repositories.

$ wget -qO – | sudo apt-key add – $ sudo sh -c ‘echo “deb [arch=amd64] any main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/atom.list’ $ sudo apt-get update

You can now install Atom easily using apt-get (or apt on Ubuntu):

# Install Atom $ sudo apt-get install atom # Install Atom Beta $ sudo apt-get install atom-beta

Alternatively, you can download the Atom .deb package and also install it directly:

# Install Atom $ sudo dpkg -i atom-amd64.deb # Install Atom’s dependencies if they are missing $ sudo apt-get -f install

This way Atom can be easily installed on Debian and Ubuntu Linux OS.

Setting up the right Packages

How to Install a Package?

There are mainly two ways to install packages for Atom:

  • Enter apm install package-name on your terminal. Obviously, the Atom package manager, apm, must be installed (you can enter apm to verify installation).
  • Open Atom and go to edit > preferences > install and then search for the package you want to install.

Click on the Install button and the package gets installed.

Note: For some packages some additional settings are required which will be covered depending on the case.

List of Community Packages is given as follows:

  • atom-beautify
  • atom-ternjs
  • autoclose-html
  • emmet
  • csslint
  • linter

Note: Click agree to all when you install linter. (it will ask you to install the dependencies for the package)

  • linter-jshint
    • Step 1: After installing linter-jshint go into its settings.
    • Step 2: On the settings page for linter-jshint, scroll down and enable the checkbox for “Lint Inline Java Script
  • pigments
  • language-ejs