How to Setup Git on Anypoint Studio?

Git is essential software for developing purposes. Every developer uses Git as a backup of their work. Git is a type of Version Control System. It falls under the Distributed type of the Version Control System. There is also much another software present that serves the same as Git. But Git is famous because it can be accessed by others also. In a team, every member needs to get access to what they are developing. Git helps to develop the project by other team members also. Git support branching feature to perform such operation.

Anypoint Studio is a type of IDE (Integration Development Environment). It is similar to the Eclipse IDE. Eclipse is generally used for developing normal applications related to Java or any other programming language. But the Anypoint Studio only can able to develop the Mule Application. Mule is a special type of application. It is a lightweight enterprise application. Anypoint Studio helps to develop & test such applications. But before we set up Git on Anypoint Studio, we need to first have Anypoint Studio in the machine beforehand. Below are the features of Git:

  • Git is used as a backup of the work which developers do.
  • Git is used to tracking the process of the development of software.
  • Git helps to share the software development with other team members also.

How to Setup Git on Anypoint Studio

Below are the steps to setup git on anypoint studio:

Step 1: At first, we need to open the Anypoint Studio. There we need to Right Click anywhere on the screen. Then a popup window will appear. There will be an option present called ‘Import’. We need to click on that.


Step 2: Then, a new window will appear. There we need to expand the Git portion. Then we need to click on ‘Project From Git (With Smart Import)’. After clicking on that, we need to click on Next.

Note: It is advisable not to click on the first option ‘Project From Git’. Please click on the option where the phrase ‘(With Smart Import)’ is visible. Clicking on the first option may cause error.


Step 3: Then, we need to click on the ‘Clone URL’ option as we import the Git Repository from the Remote Repository. Then we need to click on Next.


Step 4: Then, the user should paste the URL of the Repository in the URL segment. There is no need to fill up any other details. The details will be filled up by the Anypoint Studio itself. Just users need to provide their GitHub username & password there. After that, we need to click on Next.

Note: It is advisable not to make any changes in any other field. User only provide the URL of the Repository, and user should provide their Username & Password of the GitHub. Providing any other details other than these may cause error.


Step 5: It will take some time to import the details from GitHub. We have to wait till the completion of the project.


Step 6: After completion of the process, a new window will open. There we need to choose which branch we need to select to import. In this case, there is only one branch available. So, we don’t need to make any changes there. We should click on Next. 


Step 7: Then, it will ask for the directory to import that repository. If needed, the user can change the location. If not needed, then we can click on Next.


Step 8: It will take some time to finish the process. It will take some amount of time. We need to wait till completion.


Step 9: After completion of the process, we need to click on the ‘Show Other Specialised Import Wizard’. Then it will close the process & the import window will again open.

Note: It is advisable not to click on the Finish to complete the task. If user clicked on Finish, some junk files may also be imported to the machine. These junk files can hamper the efficiency of the machine. Some error also can occur in future.


Step 10: As the repository is imported successfully, we can browse to the directory where we saved the repository. If we save it successfully, then it will be available in the machine.


Step 11: Again, we are in the import window. Here, we want to import files or items from the directory. So after clicking on the proper option, we need to click on Next.


Step 12: We need to provide the directory path there. We can browse the directory by clicking on the side of the space. All other details will be filled in automatically. After that, we click on Finish.


Step 13: After successfully importing the Repository, we can find those in the Package Explorer of the Anypoint Studio.


Hence, we have successfully set up Git in the Anypoint Studio.