How to Show Hidden Files on a Mac

Have you ever felt like your Mac is keeping some of its files hidden from view? It’s time to go on a quest to uncover these concealed treasures. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll embark on an adventure behind the scenes of your Mac’s file system. Get ready to unveil the secrets, hidden in the depths of your computer. It’s not just about finding hidden files; it’s about unlocking the true potential of your digital world. So, if you’re prepared to embark on a journey to reveal what your Mac is keeping under wraps, join us in the fascinating realm of revealing hidden files on a Mac!

Why are some Files and Folders Hidden in MacOS

Apple has intentionally concealed specific files on your Mac to safeguard the integrity of the operating system and prevent accidental damage. These hidden files, identifiable by names beginning with a full stop (e.g., .hatches and .bash_profile), typically comprise vital system and configuration files. Mishandling them could render your Mac nonfunctional or compromise its security. If you attempt to hide these files using a full stop, they will remain visible.

Accessing the hidden /Library folder may be necessary to diagnose and resolve issues on your Mac, but it should be approached with caution. In some cases, you might even contemplate deleting hidden files to reclaim storage space. The initial step in this process involves comprehending the functions of each file and folder.

Working with the concealed elements of your Mac’s file system demands prudence and, ideally, the guidance of an expert. It’s imperative to understand their impact on your system before making any modifications. Undertaking tasks involving hidden Mac files without sufficient expertise can lead to unintended consequences, making it essential to exercise care.

Why Unhide the Files on macOS

There may be a valid reason for you to unhide certain files on your computer, but Apple hides files to prevent accidental damage to the operating system. Before you do anything, you should understand the risks. While unhiding files isn’t dangerous, many users do it to test something or delete something. Do not delete any files you do not know are safe for you to do so.

How to Show Hidden Library Folder in the MacOS

The Library folder, which is generally hidden, is an exception. It mostly comprises system files and Microsoft Office documents automatically saved. When you are looking for old Word documents and can’t find them, showing the Library folder is useful. If your computer fails before you can save your data, search the Library folder.

Use the following shortcut to access the folder:

Step 1: Press the Option (Alt) key in the Finder.

Step 2: Click “Go” in the menu bar.

Step 3: Click the “Library” button.

Microsoft Office documents are automatically saved as hidden files in the Library, so you may see a lot of unorganized files here.

Different Ways to View Hidden Files on Mac

Hidden files on a Mac encompass a variety of data, such as system files, configuration files, and cache files, all contributing to the functioning of your Mac’s storage and system. Accessing these hidden files is possible through the ~/Library folder. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution when dealing with them, as any erroneous alterations could potentially harm your device’s performance or compromise its security. Following are methods by which you can unhide the hidden files in Mac:

Using Finder

Using Terminal

Use Third-party Software

How to Show Hidden Files on a Mac Using Finder

Step 1: Open the Finder

Go to your Mac’s Dock and click the Mac Finder icon. The Finder will open.

Step 2: Click on Go

A drop-down menu appears when you click it in the menu bar.

Double-check that the Finder window is selected if you don’t see Go at the top.

Step 3: Click on Computer

  • Select Finder in the menu bar at the top of your screen, then choose Settings.
  • Use the Sidebar tab to make your computer visible in the Finder sidebar.
  • Check Computer (or your device’s name).
  • You can also use Shift+Command+C on your keyboard.

Double-click on your hard drive’s icon. It resembles a grey box.

On most Macs, the hard drive is known as “Macintosh HD”.

  • Shift+Command+ will show you hidden folders on your Mac.

Hidden folders or files will appear highlighted.

  • Shift + Command + period will hide the files again.

Make the files invisible again with the same command.

Showing hidden files on a Mac using Terminal commands

How to Show Hidden Files Using Terminal in MacOs

Step 1: Launch Terminal

Launch Terminal by double-clicking on “Terminal” in the Utilities Window. This option is under “Go” in the menu bar or under “Applications” in the Dock.

Step 2: Enter a command

On a Mac, hidden files and folders are viewed by entering two commands and pressing Enter.

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true


killall Finder

Step 3: View the hidden files

Files and folders that are hidden on your Mac will now show up in the Finder. They’ll look transparent while folders will look a little gray.

How to Hide Files on Mac

Step 1: Click on the Finder Icon

Click on the Finder icon in the Dock at the bottom of your screen you can Open the Finder window by pressing Command + N.

Step 2: Go to the File Location

Go to the folder where the file you want to hide is located. Use the search bar in the top-right corner of the Finder window to find it if you’re not sure where it is.

Step 3: Choose and Select the Files to Hide

Select the file you want to hide and click once.

You can hide multiple files by holding down the Command key and clicking each one. Once you have selected the file, press Command + Option + V.

Or you simply

Click the selected file with the right click button (or the control click button),

Click the context menu and select “Hide [filename].”

The file will now be hidden from view.

Step 5: Confirm the Files are hidden

Confirming that the files are hidden

Choose “Preferences” from the Finder menu.

Make sure the checkbox next to “Hidden files” is unticked under the “Sidebar” tab.

A hidden file won’t appear in the Finder sidebar if this setting is used.

How to Keep the Hidden ~/Library Folder Visible

  • If you use the Go method, It will remain visible until you close the Finder window. The next time you look, it will be gone.
  • Click { Command + Shift +. } to reveal the hidden folders and { Command + Shift + . } again to hide them.
  • You can also drag the hidden Library icon from the Finder window to the Finder sidebar to keep it visible. It will remain accessible even after the Finder is closed.

How to View Hidden Files on a Mac Using Third-Party Tools

One of the most common purposes for which users utilize file managers is to uncover hidden files on their Mac computers because they are third-party applications that make it easy to browse, edit, and organize files.

To view hidden files, for example, use the ForkLift app or try some of these other options:

How to Use ForkLift to Unhide Files in Mac

Step 1: Launch and Open ForkLift

Step 2: View menu options

Step 3: Click on “View,” located in the top menu bar of the ForkLift application window.

Step 4: Show Hidden Files:

Step 5: From the drop-down menu, select “Show hidden files.” This action will reveal all the hidden files and folders within the current directory.

Step 6: Other File Manager Options

How to Use Commander One to Show Hidden Files in Mac

Step 1: Open Commander One on your Mac.

Step 2: Go to the top menu and click “Commands.”

Step 3: Select “Show Hidden Files.”

Commander One will display hidden files and folders in the Active Directory.

How to Use TotalFinder to Show Hidden Files in MacOs

Step 1: Get TotalFinder for Mac and launch it.

Step 2: Go to TotalFinder and click “View”.

The hidden files and directories will be displayed once you select “Show Hidden Files.”.


How do I make my library folder visible in Finder?

Open Finder or Desktop, hold down to the Options Menu, then select “Go menu.” Click on “Library”. In the “Finder,” like the “Home” folder. Now choose View options> and then show Library Folder.

How do I unhide a library folder on a Mac?

The Access to the Library folder appears only if the user is in the “Home Folder.” Hence, open the “Home Folder” by pressing Command+shift+H. Now tap on the “View” and “Show view options”. Check the box to view the Library folder.