How to Specify Condition in Count() in PL/SQL?

In the domain of database management and querying, PL/SQL (Procedural Language/Structured Query Language) stands as a powerful tool. It empowers the developers and database administrators to manipulate the data and implement business logic directly within the Oracle Database. The common task in database operation is the count the occurrence of certain conditions within the dataset. While the COUNT() function serves as the fundamental tool for some tasks.

How to Specify Condition in Count() in PL/SQL

In PL/SQL, the COUNT() function is combined with the conditional logic which allows the developers to specify the conditions and count occurrences meeting those conditions. This capability enhances the flexibility and precision of the data analysis and reporting in the Oracle Database environments. By incorporating the CASE statement within the COUNT() function, developers can selectively count the rows that will satisfy the particular criteria and it provides deeper insights into the datasets.

Syntax for COUNT() function in PL/SQL:

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN condition THEN 1 END) AS count_alias
FROM table_name;


  • The CASE statement evaluates the specified condition for each row in the dataset.
  • If the condition is true for the row, the CASE statement returns the β€œ1β€³, it indicates that the row meets the given criteria.
  • The COUNT() function counts the number of times β€œ1” is returned by the CASE statement effectively counting the rows that will satisfy the condition.
  • The result is the count of the occurrences meeting the specified condition, providing valuable insights into the dataset.

Purpose and Significance


  1. Enhanced Data Analysis Precision: Conditional counting in the PL/SQL enables the developers to perform the targeted counting based on specific criteria, allowing for a more precise analysis of the database tables.
  2. Tailored Querying: This technique allows to the users to tailor the queries to focus on the relevant subsets of the data that will meet predefined conditions, facilitating the more insightful data analysis.
  3. Improved Decision Making: By extracting precise insights from the tables of the database, developers can make more informed decisions in the different domains which include the strategies of the business, allocation of resources, and performance optimization.


  1. Streamlined Workflows: Mastering the conditional counting in the PL/SQL streamlines data analysis workflows, making them more efficient and effective.
  2. Granular Insights: Conditional counting empowers users to the deeper into the datasets and it provides granular insights into the specific subsets of the data that will meet the specified conditions.
  3. Business Impact: The ability to perform precise data analysis enables organizations to derive actionable insights drive strategic initiatives and achieve better business outcomes.

Examples to Specify Condition in Count() in PL/SQL

Example 1: Counting Orders Placed by a Specific Customer

Step 1: Create a table and insert values init.

Here is the structure for the table [Example: Orders]:

1 123 15-APR-24
2 456 16-APR-24
3 123 17-APR-24
4 789 18-APR-24

Step 2: Implement the Code

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN customer_id = 123 THEN 1 END) AS num_orders
FROM orders;




Here, the total number of orders from customer_id 123 is 2.


  • The CASE statement evaluates the condition customer_id = 123 for each row in the table of the orders.
  • If the condition is true for the row, the CASE statement returns the β€œ1”, otherwise NULL will be returned.
  • The COUNT() function counts the number of times β€œ1” is returned by the CASE statement effectively counting the rows where the customer ID is equal to 123.

Example 2: Counting Employees with Salaries Greater than 50000.

Step 1: Create a table and insert values init.

Here is the structure for the table [Example: employees]:

1 60000
2 55000
3 48000
4 70000

Step 2: Implement the Code

SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN salary > 50000 THEN 1 END) AS num_high_salary
FROM employees;




Here, there are 3 employees, salary is greater than 50000.


  • The CASE statement evaluates the condition salary > 50000 for each row in the table of the employees.
  • If the condition is true for the row, the CASE statement returns the β€œ1”, otherwise NULL will be returned.
  • The COUNT() function counts the number of times β€œ1” is returned by the CASE statement effectively counting the rows whose salary is greater than 50000.


In Conclusion, By the combination of the COUNT() function with the conditional logic with the help of the CASE statement, developers can perform the targeted counting based on certain criteria, enhancing the precision and flexibility of the data analysis and its reporting in the Oracle Database Environment. We provide examples explaining how to approach counting occurrences meeting certain conditions like counting employees with salaries greater than a certain threshold or counting orders placed by a particular customer.

By mastering technique of the conditional counting in PL/SQL, developers can unlock fullthe potential of the database querying and analysis capabilities, enabling them to the deeper insights from their dataset and make more decisions in the applications and the business processes.